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surface physics, STM, ARPES & Graphene

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
26페이지/ MS 파워포인트
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surface physics 소개 및 장비(ARPES, STM, LEED) 기본 원리 설명


1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction of Surface Physics & Vacuum
1.2 Introduction of Surface Science Instrument

2. NanoTechnology Lab. Instrument
2.1 LEED (Low Energy Electron Diffraction)
2.2 STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy)
2.3 PES (Photo Emission Spectroscopy)

3. Graphene

4. Experiment – Easy Scan STM


Guide of Using EASY SCAN STM

2.  Tip Preparation
A.    Using ethanol, cleaning Ir/Pt wire & other tools.  This step isn`t necessary, but may help if you are having problems obtaining a good image.

B.    You`ll then cut a piece of wire that is about 5mm to 10mm long.  Make sure you don`t lose it!!

C.    Still holding this piece of wire with the pliers, place the cutters at the free end, as obliquely as possible (see picture)

D.    Close the cutter until you can feel the wire, then in the direction shown below, pull and cut at the same time, The tip needs to be torn off rather than cleanly cut off in order to get the required point.

E.    Hold the wire with the tweezers behind the freshly cut tip.

F.    Insert it carefully under the golden tip holders in the scan head without twisting them


A.    Never touch the tip end with anything

B.    The golden tip holder in the open part of the scan head are very delicate and not to be twisted

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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탑툰 이벤트
surface physics, STM, ARPES & Graphene
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