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갈륨아세나이드 고순도 크리스탈

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갈륨아세나이드 관련 자료입니다.(디스플레이에서의 에서의 적용) 특허조사자료포함입니다. 물리전자 프로젝트 결과물입니다.A+자료입니다. 또한 공학-기술적 철저한 분석과 상세한 출저처리로논문자료이상의 퀄리티를 보장합니다. 최신자료이니 부담없이 받아가셔서좋은학점 받으시길바랍니다


1. 서론
-I . 주제선정의 이유 및 간단한 현 기술 동향

2. 본론
(1) Ga-As 및 Si Crystal 결정체를 얻는 방법
-II . 실리콘 결정체를 얻는 방법에 관한 간단한 기술
-III . Ga-As의 정제 방법
-IV . Czochralski Method
-V . Lift-up method를 이용한 Ga-As 생산 효율 증가 방법
-VI . Vertical-Bridgman method를 이용한 Ga-As 생산 효율 증가 방법

(2) Ga-As의 oxide layer 형성
-VII . Oxide layer 형성의 General points 소개
-VIII . Surface passivation을 이용한 oxide layer 형성 (microwave)

(3) Ga-As의 온도 안정성 향상 방안
-IX . Groove method를 이용한 oxide layer 형성 (Heat)

(3) Ga-As의 응용사례
-X . ZnO와의 P-N junction을 이용한 다이오드
-XI . 높은 electron mobility를 갖는 반도체의 예
-XII . Reverse double channel trangister

3. 결론
-XIII. Conclusion


Title : Methods of creating Ga-As crystal and semi-conductor devices.

Abstract : Ga, As, Ga-As, Si, crystal structure, Vertical-Bridgeman method, P-N junction, ZnO, shoulder angle, single crystal formation, polycrystalline, Czochralski crystal puller, silicon ingot, interface-state-density, bulk trap density, oxide layer, AlGaAs, InGaAs, GdGaAs, mobility, interface state density, passivation, oxide layer, LEC method

Keyword : Si, Ga-As, crystal structure, oxide layer, P-N junction, Ga-As high mobility tragister, LEC method

I. Introduction
In these days, silicon crystal structures are used in many fields, especially in semiconductor area. In fact, over 90% of semi-conductor devices are being made of Silicon. There are other materials employed in semi-conductor area which deserve to receive attention for its promising applications. Ga-As is one of them. It was introduced 20 years ago. Since its dynamic response was much faster than Si, many people expected that it could replace silicon eventually in semiconductor devices. However, because of its high price and unstability the expectation was not met at all. In fact, Ga-As is not frequently used in semiconductor field as expected. Rather, it is now being used a lot in communication devices which requires high speed. Also, many scientists are researching to apply it to solar cell area. Thus, it can be seen that the Ga-As and its related technology have large potential for its future applications in several influential areas as discussed. In this report, creating methods of Ga-As crystal, creating oxide layer and several Ga-As semiconductor will be introduced.
This paper is organized as follows: in section II, the procedure of obtaining ultra pure material is discussed. In section III, insertion devices of arcenic material are discussed. In section IV,

참고 자료

Robert F. Pierret, Semiconductor Device Fundamentals


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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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