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(영문) 펩시vs코카콜라 경영전략 비교 및 분석 보고서

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
128페이지/ MS 워드
가격 6,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The sole purpose of this project is to provide an analysis of Pepsi. This report will determine and discuss Pepsi’s performance by analyzing Qualitative data and Quantitative data to find out whether Pepsi is a leading organization or not in the industry compare to Pepsi’s competitors. The report will begin with general information of the firm, selection of a target, selection of a benchmark, and discuss the general profile of food and beverage industry. After the general introduction, the report will provide Qualitative Analysis including Orginizational Citizenship, Strategic Positioning as well as Quantitative Analysis consist of Profit, Equity, and Share Value management, Debt, Cash and Asset Management. Then, the report will provide summary. At the conclusion the report will summarize the analysis by providing comprehensive review, conclusions on Performance Scorecard Categories, Pepsi’s business risks and Future Plans and Potential of the company, Evaluations of Financial, Debt, Cash, Asset, Organization Sitizenship, and Strategic Positioning.


Table of Contents

Introduction 1
Profile: Pepsi Corporation 2
Why Pepsi? 3
Selection of Benchmark 3
Pepsi vs Coke 3
The Cola Wars 3-4
A Comparison of Products 4-5
Technological Advantages 5
Quick financial facts 5

Food and Bevarage Industry Introduction 5-6
Nature and Structure 6
Current Industry Trends 6
Diet food 6-7
Stevia 7
Coconut Water 7-8
Regulation 8
FDA inspection 8-9
Food labeling 9

Performance Analysis Introduction 10
Qualitative Analysis 10
Organizational Citizenship Introduction 10
Employee Relations 10-11
Organizational Health Survey 11-12
Healthy Living 12
Healthy Money 12-13
Healthy Competition 13-14
Wellness at “Work” 14-15
Chairman’s Circle of Champions 15
Customer Relations 15
Centers of Excellence 16
Survey Results 16
Localization in Key Markets 16-17
Competitor Relations 17-18
The Sherman Antitrust Act 18
Government Relations 18-19
Environmental Relations 19-20
Water Conservation 20
Package Reduce 20-21
Minimizing Waste 21-22
Solar Powers 22
Electronic Vehicles 22
Community Relations 22-23
Save the Children 23-24
World Food Program 24
YMCA of the USA 24-25
Oxford Health Alliance 25-26
Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation 26
Diplomas Now 26-27
ExCel Scholarships 27
Stockholder Relations 27-28
Relationship with Directors 28
Communication & Public Persona 28-29
Vendor Relations 29-30
Strategic Positioning Introduction 30
Vision & Mission 30-31
Competitive Advantage 31-32
Response to the General Enviroment 32
Health and Wellness Concern 32-33
Consumer Demographics 33
Innovation 33-34
Future Plans and Progress 34-35
Quantitative Analysis Introduction 35
Profit, Equity, and Share Value Management 35
Profit Management 35-36
Equity Management 36-38
Share Value Management 38-41
Debt Management 41-44
Cash Management 44-45
Asset Managements 45-47

Summary 47
A Comprehensive Review 47
A Grading Sacle of PSC Software 47-48
Organization Citizenship Evaluation 48-51
Strategic Positioning Evaluation 51-52
Pepsi’s Business Risks 52-53
Future Plans and Potential 53-54
Financial Management Evaluation 54
Profit, Equity, and Share Value Management Evaluation 54-55
Debt Management Evaluation 55
Cash Management Ecaluation 55-56
Asset Management Evaluation 56-57

Appendix 58-114

Work Cited 115-119

Notes 120-122


An Analysis of Pepsi
The sole purpose of this project is to provide an analysis of Pepsi. This report will determine and discuss Pepsi’s performance by analyzing Qualitative data and Quantitative data to find out whether Pepsi is a leading organization or not in the industry compare to Pepsi’s competitors. The report will begin with general information of the firm, selection of a target, selection of a benchmark, and discuss the general profile of food and beverage industry. After the general introduction, the report will provide Qualitative Analysis including Orginizational Citizenship, Strategic Positioning as well as Quantitative Analysis consist of Profit, Equity, and Share Value management, Debt, Cash and Asset Management. Then, the report will provide summary. At the conclusion the report will summarize the analysis by providing comprehensive review, conclusions on Performance Scorecard Categories, Pepsi’s business risks and Future Plans and Potential of the company, Evaluations of Financial, Debt, Cash, Asset, Organization Sitizenship, and Strategic Positioning.

Profile: Pepsi
 Pepsi is the world’s second-largest food and beverage business and the global snack leader
 Pepsi has 19 mega brands that each generate over $1 billion in annual retail sales, including Gatorade, Tropicana, Pepsi Max, Mountain Dew, Sierra Mist, Aquafina, Mirinda, Quaker, Lay’s Walkers Tostitos and Fritos
 Pepsi has 24 other global and local brands with annual retail sales ranging from $250 million to $1 billion, including Sobe, Naked, AMP Energy, Propel Zero, Sabritas, Gamesa, Lebedyansky, Aunt Jemima and Rice-A-Roni
 Global Headquaters is located in Purchase, N.Y. , about 25 miles from New York City
 Pepsi operates about 100,000 distribution routes directly or through their bottlers worldwide and serves approximately 10 million outlets on a regular basis
 Pepsi operates nearly 700 manufacuting facilities worldwide.
 According to this year`s Forbes Super 500 list of America`s largest public companies, the two are virtually the same size. Using a composite ranking of sales, profits, market value and assets, Pepsi (nyse: PEP - news - people ) was the 43rd-largest U.S. firm, just barely edging out Coke (nyse: KO - news -people ), which ranked 44th1.

참고 자료

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