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Literature Review

Wal-Mart is the largest Discount Store in the United States. Its magnitude is not only recognized domestically but also expanded to International Market. The company believes that one day this one will replace the United States position when the trend down (Molin, 2004). With this goal Wal-mart is encouraged to expanding stores into nine countries around the world and more in its plans (About Wal-Mart, 2001). Being number one in the United States does not always guarantee for being number one elsewhere in the world. There are many problems that Wal-Mart is now facing in this highly competitive business world. Finally, many references illustrate various problems and causes Wal-Mart faced while expanding into International market.
The three basic belief and two keys rules that differentiated Wal-Mart from the rivals were proposed in “The Wal-Mart Culture” (2004). Gilman, 2004; Jones, 1998 and Menzer, 2001 describe the reason why Wal-Mart expand its intensity to international market. They believe that in the future this division will replace the US market. However, expansion through world market does not seem easy to Wal-Mart, it also faced some problems both from external and internal. Sources tend to agree that Wal-Mart itself has less consideration in international market when compare with competitors (Groeber, 2002; Wal around…, 2001). Another reference states that it was misreading the competitors (Molin, 2004). In addition, other sources state that culture difference is another problem that Wal-Mart was overlooked (Lewis, 1998; Anderson, 1994).
Even though Wal-Mart has close relationships with American suppliers, it fails to make connection with local suppliers (Bianco & Zellner, 2003; Lohr, 2003). Wal-Mart tired to use the same standard and concept as in United States but unfortunately one concept does not fit all. Moreover, Gilman (2004) and Zellner, Schmidt, et al. (2001) agree that Wal-Mart is too concentrated in expanding their concept.

참고 자료

About Wal-Mart. (2004). Retrieved April 6, 2004 from http://walmartstores.com.
Anderson, F. (1994). U.S. Discounters Head North and South of the Border. (Cover Story). Discount Merchandiser, 34, (9), p64.
Bianco, A., Zellner, W. (2003). Is Wal-Mart Too Powerful? BusinessWeek, (3852), p100.
Biddle, R. (2004, Mar. 28). Wal-Mart:Bully or Benefactor? Megachain an Economic Godsend in Many Areas Daily News, pV1.
Financial Report. (2003). Retrieved May 12, 2004 from http://financeyahoo.com
Gilman, H. (2004, Apr. 5). The Most Underrated CEO Ever. New York Times, (7), pp. 242-248.
Groeber, J. (2002). A New Frontier. National Real Estate Investor, 44, (11),
Income Statement. (2004). Retrieved April 27, 2004 from http://financeyahoo.com/
Jones, T.Y. (1998). The biggest of the big. Forbes 500s Annual Directory. Retrieved March 31, 2004 from http://forbes.com/forbesglobal/98/0420/0201054a.htm
Lewis, L. (1998). Brazillian beat. Progressive Grocer, (2), p12.
Lohr, S. (2003, Dec. 7). Is Wal-Mart Good for America? New York Times, pg.4.1.
Maas, Pablo (1998). Concept Check. Business Latin America, 33, (46), p6.
Molin, D. (2004). A bullish Wal-Mart: Targeting New Countries, Smaller Formats. Retrieved April 7, 2004 from http;//0web3.infotrac.galegroup.com.bianca.
Rock, J. (2001, Sep. 17). Can Wal-Mart Succeed in Foreign Soil? Weekly Corporate Growth Report, (1158), p11537.

The Wal-Mart Culture. (2004). Retrieved April 26, 2004 from http://walmart.com.
Wal around the world. (2001). Economist, 361, (8251), p55.
Wal-Mart International Operations. (2004). Retrieved April 26, 2004 from http://walmart.com.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (2004). Retrieved April 12, 2004 from http://hoovers.com
Walton, S. (1992) Made in America. New York: Bantam Books.
Zellner, W., Schmidt, A.K., Ihlwan, M. & Dawley, H. (2001). How well Does Wal-Mart Travel? BusinessWeek, (3747), p82.
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