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IA Final

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


IB Math Studies Assesment


Title page

Table of Contents


Data and Measurement

Mathematical processes

Conclusion and Project Evaluation



Significant Relationship of Angle and basket Accuracy in a basketball
Free Throw Activity of Upper School Students of
Brent International School Subic


Basketball players have their own shooting accuracy in terms of the different angles in a free throw basketball activity. The angle which a player shoots is one of the factors to consider in deliberating a successfully basket-in shoot in a basketball free-throw activity. As a basketball player, the researcher investigated the significant relationship, if there exists, between the angle of the shoot-in and its basket accuracy in a free throw activity. He also wanted to answer the question: what is the best angle of the player with respect to its position to the basket which will give an accurate number of sure points in a free throw activity. To answer this, a null hypothesis was formulated by the researcher: There is no significant relationship between angle of the player and its basket accuracy in a free throw activity.
To answer the above question, the researcher need to follow certain methodology presented such as: Prepare a questionnaire to be used for data collection for profiling purposes. The questionnaire will include the name of the respondents, a table which the researcher will record the result of the test activity; Select the respondents from the upper school students using random sampling technique; Conduct the test. Ask the respondents to cooperate. Do the free throw exercise (free throw line is 15ft from the basket) and record the result in 5 trials in different angle i.e. 45o, 90o, 135o and 180o; Record the data accordingly. Use graphs, and tables for presentation; analyze the data obtained. Use statistical tools such as test for correlation and independence; Interpret result and draw conclusion.

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