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Dole company (돌)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
65페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Dole 회사의 가장 업데이트 된 정보로 쓴 에세이 입니다


1 Introduction 4
2 Historical Performance 5
3 Current Situation 8
A. Current Performance 9
B. Strategic Posture 10
• Mission 10
• Objectives 11
• Strategies 12
• Policies 12
4 Strategic Managers 13
A. Board of Directors 13
B. Top Management 15
5 External Environment 16
A. Natural Environment 16
B. Societal Environment 17
• Economical 17
• Technological 19
• Political-Legal 20
• Sociocultural 21
C. Task Environment 22
6 Internal Environment 26
A. Corporate Structure 26
B. Corporate Culture 30
C. Corporate Resources 32
• Marketing 33
• Finance 36
D. Research and Development 42
E. Operations and Logistics 43
F. Human Resources Management 43
G. Technology 44
7 Strategic Factors
A. SWOT 45
8 Recommended Corporate Strategy 50
A. Current Competitive Strategy 50
B. Current Corporate Strategy 51
9 Strategy Implementation 52
• Program 53
• Budget 53
• Policies and Procedures 54
10 Evaluation and Control 56


I. Introduction
This audit is on Dole, Inc., an international, multi-billion dollar corporation. Dole, Inc. was founded in the beautiful state of Hawaii in 1851 by James Dole and since then has become, “the world`s largest producer and marketer of high-quality fresh fruit and fresh vegetables (Dole About).” They have also managed to become, “a produce industry leader in nutrition education and research (Dole About).” This international phenomenon employs over 50, 000 people worldwide and does its business in over 90 countries. Run by its current CEO, David DeLorenzo, Dole, Inc. is doing well and not looking back. “Dole Food Company, Inc. offers a variety of more than 200 products, including fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, packaged foods and value-added products (Dole About).” This corporation has operations in Latin America, North America, Europe, and Asia with its home front in Westlake Village, California.
In May 2011 they made #341 in Fortune 500 and #449 in Barron’s 500. In 2010, Forbes called Dole, Inc. a “healthy stock” (Forbes). Dole is a part of several organizations, forums, acts, and alliances. Their chairman, David Murdock, who is also the owner of Castle & Cooke, Inc., acquired the brand over a decade ago. Below is a timeline, provided by Dole’s corporate site, showing the positive impact Dole has made on the world and how they have given back to the community from their early development times to recent days.
• 1967: Howard Hubbard Memorial Hospital is built and managed by Dolefil as a way to provide healthcare for its employees and families in Mindanao, Philippines.

참고 자료

"Castle & Cooke - David H. Murdock Acquires Dole Food Company, Inc." Castle & Cooke, Inc. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. <http://www.castlecooke.net/about/pressrelease-detail.aspx?rid=6>.
"Company Info | About Dole." Dole | Home. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. <http://www.dole.com/CompanyInformation/AboutDole/tabid/1261/Default.aspx>.
"Company Information." Dole | Home. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. <http://www.dole.com/AboutDole/tabid/1255/Default.aspx>.
"DOLE Analyst Estimates, Dole Food Co. Inc. Analyst Estimates." MarketWatch - Stock Market Quotes, Business News, Financial News. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. <http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dole/analystestimates>.
"DOLE Annual Income Statement - Dole Food Co. Inc. Annual Financials." MarketWatch - Stock Market Quotes, Business News, Financial News. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. <http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dole/financials>.
"Dole BOD." Http://investors.dole.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=231558&p=irol-govBoard. Web. 25 Oct. 2011.
"DOLE Community Picks - Dole Food Co. Inc. Community Picks." MarketWatch - Stock Market Quotes, Business News, Financial News. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. <http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dole/picks>.
"Dole Food Company, Inc. Contacts | Business Contacts from Hoover`s | 818-879-6600." Hoovers | Business Solutions from Hoovers. Web. 25 Oct. 2011.
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