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전기전자기초실험 Chapter 13 Design Project II Pre-report

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최종 저작일
13페이지/ 한컴오피스
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2011년 2학기 전기전자기초실험 보고서입니다. 전부 다 영어로 작성되어 있으며, 예비보고서의 경우 주석 충분히 달려 있습니다. 베끼지 않고 작성하여, 이 자료를 쓰셔도 Cheating의 염려가 없습니다. 코딩 및 block diagram은 직접 만들였으며, 전부 주석이 달려 있습니다.




·Designing Elevator Controller
① Research the elevator operation combination that is needed to design an elevator controller.
I made this elevator similar with ordinary Korean elevators. In difference, there are no door open and close switch, and no ability to canceling input signal with one more push or push it longer. Other things are same with normal elevator. Explanation of each state is below.

I made elevator with given condition, and I made additional output signal of memorizing state of input signal and door open state. Anytime when the any input signal is on, it is memorized and showed with LED(output), same as general elevator

*X, Y, W means floor number, z means up/down state.
FX_c: state with elevator stopped with closing door. In this state, there are no state change until any input signal is on. Of course, if there are no input signal, there is no reason to elevator moves. Xth floor state switch is not allowed, because elevator is already on this floor. When Xth floor z switch is on, state is changed to

참고 자료

Charles H. Roth, Jr. (2006). Multiplexers, Decoders, and Programmable Logic Devices, Unit 9, page 237
Charles H. Roth, Jr. (2006). Latches and Flip-flops, Unit 11, page 305
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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