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보티첼리와 카바넬의 비너스 미술작품 비교대조(영작)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 한글 2005 이상 버전에서 작성된 문서입니다. 한글 2002 이하 프로그램에서는 열어볼 수 없으니, 한글 뷰어프로그램(한글 2005 이상)을 설치하신 후 확인해주시기 바랍니다.


보티첼리의 비너스작품과 카바넬의 비너스 작품을 비교대조(영작)
서양미술사 (총 7 쪽)


1. Introduction

2. The Birth of Venus by Cabanel Alexandre, 1863

3. Comparison with The Birth of Venus by Botticelli Sandro, 1485


보티첼리의 비너스작품과 카바넬의 비너스 미술작품을 비교대조(영작)
서양미술사 (총 7 쪽)

1. Introduction

Since it was my first time to visit the art gallery, I couldn`t understand the artworks fully. However, with curiosity, I enjoyed Orsay museum exhibition in Seoul Arts center on September 27th. Originally, the exhibition was planned to end on 25th, but it was extended for 4 more days. Owing to the extension there were many people who wanted to catch their opportunity at the last moment. To overcome my ignorance in art, I followed the curator and listened to audio explanation carefully. I concentrated on every art work. I took time to each of them, and tried to look to the smallest details. Despite my efforts, it was difficult than I expected to understand art works. When I tried to think of the report topic, the only work of art that remained in my mind was The Birth of Venus by Cabanel Alexandre. It was the first art work that I listened detailed explanation from the curator, so I was strongly impressed. Actually, I visited there to see works of Vincent van Gogh, but there was only one piece of art by Gogh, The Starry Night. Ursa Major with the Polaris was described in wide space. By squeezing paints directly to the center of stars, Gogh gave highlights and I thought it was a creative method. Also, I could feel Gogh`s artistic challenge in that he caught the colors in dark night sky. In addition, I

참고 자료

<서양미술사> E.H. 곰브리치 백승길 옮김 예경
<진중권의 서양미술사> 진중권 휴머니스트 2008. 04. 14
<서양미술사> 이은기, 김미정 지음 미진사
<서양미술사이야기> 임두빈 지음 가람기획
<서양미술사> H.W. 잭슨, A.F. 잭슨 지음 정점식 감수 최기득 옮김
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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보티첼리와 카바넬의 비너스 미술작품 비교대조(영작)
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  • 프레시홍 - 특가
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  • 레이어 팝업
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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