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ischemic myelopathy

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ischemic myelopathy




Ischemic myelopathy is a disorder of acute onset that is
characterized by nonprogressive, mono-, hemi-, or quadriparesis/
plegia unless ascending or descending myelomalacia
develops [4, 16]. Ischemic myelopathy has been
described in several species, including humans [7, 18, 20],
dogs [2, 5, 8, 9, 17], horses [22], pigs [23], sheep [10], turkeys
[21], and cats [1, 3, 6, 12–14, 19, 24, 25]. In humans,
ischemic myelopathy may be caused by atherosclerosis,
vasculitis, embolism, infection, surgery, or trauma [18]. In
animals, the proposed etiologies include fibrocartilaginous
embolism, thromboembolism, hypercoagulability, vasculopathy,
septic embolization, and parasitic embolization [4,
16]. The definitive diagnosis of ischemic myelopathy
requires histologic examination [4, 16]. The antemortem
suspicion of ischemic myelopathy is based on a complete
medical history in addition to clinical symptoms with an
acute onset of nonpainful, nonprogressive (after the first 24
hr), and often asymmetric clinical signs. The potential etiologies
of spinal lesions should be ruled out by performing
radiographies, ultrasound examinations, cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) analyses, myelographies, computed tomographies,
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [8, 18]. MRI is
helpful in supporting the antemortem diagnosis of ischemic
myelopathy because the procedure, in addition to excluding
the other etiologies of myelopathy, may reveal signal intensity

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