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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Introduction of ‘HEODAK’ ▶Information about (주)얼떨결 and products‘HEODAK’ is a brand name of products made from chicken breasts. The CEO of (주)얼떨결, HEO KYEONGHWAN (a comedian), exteriorized this in July, 2010. He was interesting in making a good shape himself so he used to buy chicken breasts. Using chicken breasts, he felt that buying, using, and keeping chicken breasts were not convenient and a market of this was so small. Then he`s got business ideas about this. He decided to make a brand of chicken breasts that was convenient to use, eat, and keep.


Introduction of ‘HEODAK’

▶Information about (주)얼떨결 and products

▶Marketing and Success factors for the present state
The present condition of the market and market analysis

▶Industry Analysis
(1)Domestic diet food market
(2)Domestic chicken market

▶comprtitors analysis
Marketing strategy and the alternative

▶First strategy
(1) Purpose
(2) STP analysis
(3) SWOT analysis
(4) 4P Mix

▶Second strategy
(1) Purpose
(2) Method
(3) STP analysis
(4) 4P Mix
Ⅰ. Introduction of ‘HEODAK’


▶Information about (주)얼떨결 and products
‘HEODAK’ is a brand name of products made from chicken breasts. The CEO of (주)얼떨결, HEO KYEONGHWAN (a comedian), exteriorized this in July, 2010. He was interesting in making a good shape himself so he used to buy chicken breasts. Using chicken breasts, he felt that buying, using, and keeping chicken breasts were not convenient and a market of this was so small. Then he’s got business ideas about this. He decided to make a brand of chicken breasts that was convenient to use, eat, and keep.
For this item’s commercialization, Mr.HEO regarded hygiene as a matter of the highest priority and he devoted himself to find a manufacturing plant for that. His next priority to hygiene was taste. Before the commercialization, he tasted about 100 samples. Through this, he could sort out what taste consumers would prefer. Also he tried to solve its tough texture of chicken breasts.
Finally, he released the chicken breasts product, HEODAK, that was different from other existing products in January, 2011. HEODAK broke prejudices about chicken breasts that were tough and tasteless. Due to particular hygiene, good tastes, and soft texture, ‘HEDAK’ achieved the number one of sales in online shopping mall in 3 months after introducing of the product. Besides, it turned over 110million won in their own online shopping mall and open market.
▶Marketing and Success factors for the present state

참고 자료

판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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