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고영 Daily Report No.4

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


학점 A+받았습니다




§ 24 Season 4 Episodes 19~24

The president Logan was indecisive enough to bring about a lot of disorder and chaos in the country. Logan had yet to make a decision about the permission of using forces against Prado. But Jack and CTU were running out of time and they had to coerce Prado into telling Marwan`s location. Jack found out where Marwan would be after using forces against Prado. After hearing this news, Logan ordered the Secret Service to arrest Jack Bauer for his misused power.
Meanwhile Jack in conjuction with CTU agents went to the place where Marwan was. And they were waiting for the suitable occasion for the attack. However Marwan noticed they were here and he managed to escape. Unfortunately Jack missed out on the chance to get Marwan because of the disturbance of Secret Service agents who were ordered to apprehend Jack. The president Logan was so embarrassed that he made up his mind to ask for help from the former president, David Palmer who had already been through this kind of terror before. And he accepted the request and took the position of making crucial decisions.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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