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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Hyundai Motor CompanyQuality Management- ContentsHyundai HistoryTotal Quality ManagementHyundai’s Quality System6 sigmaRecognition of Quality Conclusion Hyundai Motor Company 1967 Hyundai Motor Company is incorporated1998 Acquisition of Kia Motors 2000 Incorporated first Korean automotive group units; 10 billion dollars First in Korean Industry Customer Satisfaction for 10 years running


I. Hyundai History
II. Total Quality Management
III. Hyundai’s Quality System
IV. 6 – sigma
V. Recognition of Quality
VI. Conclusion


Established a global management system through expanded overseas production
Achieving high results even during global economic crisis
Six years of continuous inclusion in ‘Best 100 Global Brands’
Hyundai’s Tau engine awarded “Top 10 engine” again and again
Became top in quality and customer satisfaction in Germany and America
Korean factories, the world’s largest, best environment, and global production network
Total Quality Management
A term used by customers to describe their general satisfaction with a product.
Products that have a low defect rate.
Total quality management
A philosophy that stresses three principles, Customer satisfaction, Employee Involvement, and Continuous Improvement
Hyundai`s Beliefs on Quality
They to make it their goal to keep promises to their customer: The best quality and service means being the most competitive Services managed with genuine interest, and concern.
Hyundai has a long-term vision of “innovation for the customer”
Philosophy that prioritizes customer satisfaction
Goal of high-value that improves brand and emotional connection
(1) TQM - customer satisfaction
1. Operating customer service center →Voice Of Customer

참고 자료

판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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