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The True Story of Black Hawk Down

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


black hawk down




‘Black Hawk Down’ is a non-fiction book written by Mark Bowden in 1999 about American troops and UN forces attempting to capture Somali warlord Mohamed Aidid in Mogadishu and the fierce battle that killed many U.S. soldiers as well as citizens of Somalia. The battle of Mogadishu was considered as one of the biggest American fire fight since Vietnam War and it also changed the way American government dealt with foreign policies and military operations in war zones. The scene of Somalis dragging bodies of American soldiers through the streets and pictures of dead bodies shocked almost everyone in the world and remained in the minds of soldiers as the worst nightmare.
The city Mogadishu itself, including the buildings and roads, was literally destroyed and only few structures were intact. Only place that was kept safe was Islam temple which was taken as sacred among Mogadishu people. One of the unbelievable scenes was that even a 10 year old boy was holding a rifle and most of men were armored with guns and other forms of weapons. People were suffering from famine and there were so little to eat that people were dying of hunger. When UN international aid and American troops first arrived in Somalia in 1992, the purpose was to relieve foods and drugs to cure Somalis and US marines basically ended famine in Somalia, at least for the certain period of time. However, one of the most ruthless and active warlords Mohamed Aidid was seizing food and aids and he was feeding his gunmen before feeding starving children.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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