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The Tunnel of Lies

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


tunnel of lies




The Tunnel of Lies
In 1993, during the seige of Sarajevo during Bosnian War between 1992 and 1995, a tunnel was built to bring the supplies and weapons that were vital to the survival of the hundreds and thousands of citizens. Three to four thousand people and 30 tons of equipment went through the tunnel every night and many people trying to get into the tunnel were killed from bombing attacks such as grenades by Serbian military forces. The government in Bosnia is not protecting any kind of human rights of the people and citizens are suffering from the ignorance.
Bjelonja is an old man whose house was deprived by the government for the purpose of using the place as a gate for the tunnel. After deciding that the house should be the main entrance of the tunnel, the state made it as they wanted without even discussing the matter with Bjelonja. He now lives with his sons and daughters very poorly but the government is not taking any actions according to the confiscation. It was 1993 when he started to claim for the compensation of his home and fought for justice. However, the government is only delaying the decision to compensate for his house and pretending that they will pay for the place. Bosnian government is planning to commemorate Bjelonja’s house by building a museum to make the area as a historical place.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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The Tunnel of Lies
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