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People Manager in FC Barcelona and Manchester City

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


바르셀로나와 맨체스터 시티의 서로 다른 구단 경영에 대해서 쓴 자료입니다.

바르셀로나의 후안 라포르타와 맨체스터 시티의 만수르.


1. Introduction

2. Background

3. FC Barcelona
(1) The result of FC Barcelona Elections
(2) Managing football club and Joan Laporta’s Project

4. Manchester City
(1) Sheikh Mansour, new owner of Manchester City

5. Conclusion

6. List of References


1. Introduction

At the present day, the sport industry and management have grown dramatically in the last decade. As sport industry advances, the market and internal management of sport have become increasing competitive. Moreover, competitions are not only restricted on local area but any region irrespective of country so the markets and sport organizations for management is very huge, but so is the competition. Hence, managers of sport organizations are confronted with limitless customer expectations of their services and treatment as well as competition for the survival of sport management is keen (Leigh 2005). There is a diverse kind of specific parts in sport organizations such as broadcasting, event management, venue management, coaching and marketing professional sport, for instance, sporting equipment, manufacturing, sporting gear and garment (Taylor 2007). In order to adjust those sectors in the sport organizations, the most important element is strategic human resource management (SHRM) which is all about the entire procedure of managing people in organizations therefore compared with the past age; the importance of strategic HR scheme rapidly rose as a fundamental factor in each sport organizations. Strategic HR planning insist that the development of policies and course of action to guarantee the acquisition, advancement, retention and successful arrangement of a placement and these elements are directly related with the organizations’ final goal and in the future being so effective planning for human resource management necessitates the organization’s the whole system such as its merits, weaknesses and potential capacities (Taylor 2007:36).

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People Manager in FC Barcelona and Manchester City
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