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[마케팅원론]`Out Back`s Marketing Strategy

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


마케팅원론시간에 제출했던
아웃백 Marketing Strategy 과제입니다


1. Executive Summary

2. Company Description

3. Strategic Focus and Plan

4. Situation Analysis
4.1 Visiting Shinchon Outback steak house
4.2 SWOT Analysis
4.3 Main competitors of Famaly restaurant industry

5. Marketing Product Focus
5.1 STP
5.2 Differentiated Marketing Strategy of Outback steak house

6. Marketing Program

7. Organization

8. Implementation Plan


This report has been prepared from an analysis of Outback Steakhouse in Korea to provide strategic analysis of the company and the view of the external and internal aspects within family restaurant industry. This report reflects the external and internal factors of the company including the customer, competitors, market and internal analysis. This report is prepared as a course requirement with supplemented strategy.
The market trend shows that the competition in the industry is heavy, especially among the big four, Outback, VIPS, T.G.I.F and Bennigans. Outback is leading the market with the highest number of restaurants and sales record. However, the threat of competitors and substitutes present a significant concern for Outback including the fast growth rate of seafood and Chinese restaurant chains. Companies are now focusing on the level of service and quality of the product and thus, we are developing new menus to meet the customer preference and trend which is moving towards healthy diet and well being.

참고 자료

Barancik, Scott. "Outback`s Seoul mate." St. Petersburg Times. 9 Sept. 2005

“Why Outback is successful in Korea”, Ohmynews, 31 Feb 2006. http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0000307969

김현희, 「사례로 본 외식 프렌차이즈 경영전략」, 백산출판사, 2003

한가현(2001), 『패밀리 레스토랑의 차별화 전략을 위한 브랜드 아이덴티티 연구』, 한양대 석사학위 논문

www.outback.com (아웃백스테이크하우스 미국 본사 홈페이지)

http://www.foodservice.co.kr (한국외식사업연구소)

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