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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Hilton HHonors Worldwide : Loyalty WarsⅠ. IntroductionⅡ. Analysis- Competitor’s Membership Service- Hilton’s SWOTⅢ. SuggestionⅣ. AContents.Ⅰ. IntroductionResortsⅠ. IntroductionParent company : Hilton World WideKorea : Seoul and Kyung JuHilton H Honors.Ⅰ. IntroductionOffers many benefits to customers who used Hilton hotel brand.When members staying at Hilton hotel brand, they can accumulate both Hhonors points and airline miles.Members can enjoy benefits in more than 3,750 hotels without using restrictions or blackout periods.Points can be used in various ways.Free to join.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Analysis
- Competitor’s Membership Service
- Hilton’s SWOT
Ⅲ. Suggestion
Ⅳ. Q & A


Offers many benefits to customers who used Hilton hotel brand.
When members staying at Hilton hotel brand, they can accumulate
both Hhonors points and airline miles.
Members can enjoy benefits in more than 3,750 hotels without
using restrictions or blackout periods.
Points can be used in various ways.
Free to join.

HHH’s Benefits & Services.
Ⅰ. Introduction

Benefits & Services
- On-line reward Reservations
- Expedited check-in
- Late check-out upon request
- Express check-out
- eFolio
(Benefits subject to availability and change at each hotel.)
* eFolio : The program that can view member’s own final bill in on-line.

HHH’s Membership Level.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Expedited check-in at designated desk
Late check-out based on availability
Complimentary weekday newspaper
Include BLUE benefits
Earn a 15% bonus on all HHonors base points
Two bottles of water per stay
Use complimentary health club
Include SILVER benefits
Earn a 25% bonus on all HHonors base points
On-line check-in
Benefits within the hotel
- (e.g.) Fruit basket upon arrival, One bottle of Wine, Complimentary Full American Breakfast, One half-day excursion, etc.
Include all membership level’s benefits
Earn a 50% bonus on all HHonors base points
+ upgrade benefits
- (e.g.) Deluxe fruit basket upon arri

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