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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
31페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Marketing Analysis GAPMANGOFOREVER 211codes combine NIKE2The most important customer group, `20s` wants unique and trendy style. However, simple and basic items of UNIQLO are big issues among them. Hereby, we will find the SECRET of UNIQLO’s popularity and how to get more profits from 20s.Issue3What is SPA brandSpeciality retailer of Private label ApparelProduction, Design, Circulation, Sales by One companyMarket Size : $100,000,000(in Korea)44About UNIQLO4Since 1963, in JapanNo.1 SPA brand in Korea with profitInexpensive, but high quality20s loves UNIQLO55About UNIQLO5UNIQLO DNA




Segmenting UNIQLO divides a total market into various groups with, such as, age, gender, price sensitivity, life style.

Targeting UNIQLO directs its marketing efforts at two or more segments by developing a marketing mix for each. For example, simple T-shirts for everyone, leggings skinny jean for young women. In addition, we recommend targeting with age.

Positioning UNIQLO product is positioned at lower price and neutral in trend, corresponding to its brand identity.

UNIQLO sell same products all around the world. We call it Globalization through standardization. We recommend UNIQLO a `selective localization` strategy to consider the cultural difference related with clothes among countries.

Product’s high quality strategy works well for customers
Basic feature is well known for customers

Price is so reasonable that UNIQLO’s purpose. Actually, customer recognizes that factor.

Place Distribution is using SPA method that reflect customer’s needs

TV or Internet Ads don`t work as promotion. By the result of survey, we find that visiting market is the best way for promotion. So we need to supplement these promotion by using market more or improved media of advertisement.

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판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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