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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


구글 조직문화의 forming, sustaining,changeing. 어떤 타입인지. 사회화방법 등


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Forming a culture
A. External Adaptation and Survival
① Mission and strategy
② Goals
③ Means
④ Measurement
B. Internal integration
① Language and concepts
② Group and Team Boundaries
③ Power and status
④ Reward and punishment
Ⅲ. Sustaining a culture
A. Methods of Maintaining Organizational Culture
B. Organizational rites
C. Example ‘Google’
① Criteria for rewards
② Selection and promotion
③ Organizational rites
Ⅳ. Changing a culture
A. Change Driver of Google
B. Change Level of Google
C. Change Leader of Google
Ⅵ. What type of organizational culture
V. Socialization
A. Socialization of new employees
B. Organizational socialization process
C. Insights for leaders
D. Possible outcomes of the socialization process
E. Example ‘Google’


◆External Adaptation and Survival

 Mission and Strategy
→ Identify the purpose of organization and select strategies to pursue this mission

① The purpose
→ systemize information on all around the world to use them conveniently

② The strategy
→ The offices of Google being benchmarking campus are full of funny and unique things. The working environment is opened and there are many places where creativity is able to flow freely and without restriction. There are plentiful desk space, the ample lighting, and employees’ huge bulletin board of inspiration. This environment allow them to work effiecnetly getting less stress. The offices are constructed to communicate with other employees easily.

 Goals
→ Set specific targets to achieve

① Specific target
→ The co-founder Larry Page said “the perfect search engine should understand and provide what the user gets”. Google tries to play a role of pioneer and they have targets of providing higher quality for people of the world.

 Means
→ Determine how to pursue the goals, including selecting an organization structure and reward system
① Selecting an organization structure
→ When they recruit new incomings, Google does not discriminate them and only focus on their ability rather than the career. They have branch offices all around world which employ the local. Moreover the most organizations are horizontal structure and the people have several position.

② Reward system
→ The employees can make money not only salaries. Employees who get recommendation from coworkers or boss because they work hard get prize money, pregnant women get $500 for food, and if an employee introduces an intelligent person, he can get $2000.

참고 자료

◆External Adaptation and Survival

 Mission and Strategy
→ Identify the purpose of organization and select strategies to pursue this mission

① The purpose
→ systemize information on all around the world to use them conveniently

② The strategy
→ The offices of Google being benchmarking campus are full of funny and unique things. The working environment is opened and there are many places where creativity is able to flow freely and without restriction. There are plentiful desk space, the ample lighting, and employees’ huge bulletin board of inspiration. This environment allow them to work effiecnetly getting less stress. The offices are constructed to communicate with other employees easily.

 Goals
→ Set specific targets to achieve

① Specific target
→ The co-founder Larry Page said “the perfect search engine should understand and provide what the user gets”. Google tries to play a role of pioneer and they have targets of providing higher quality for people of the world.

 Means
→ Determine how to pursue the goals, including selecting an organization structure and reward system
① Selecting an organization structure
→ When they recruit new incomings, Google does not discriminate them and only focus on their ability rather than the career. They have branch offices all around world which employ the local. Moreover the most organizations are horizontal structure and the people have several position.

② Reward system
→ The employees can make money not only salaries. Employees who get recommendation from coworkers or boss because they work hard get prize money, pregnant women get $500 for food, and if an employee introduces an intelligent person, he can get $2000.

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