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(영어 에세이) 통일이 한국에 미치는 긍정적인 영향

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
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통일에 대해 쓴 Term-paper 입니다.
4장으로 작은분량이지만 외국 과제로 한국에 대해 쓸때
유용하게 사용하실 수 있으실 겁니다.


1. Introduction

2. Way to Reunification: So Close Yet Far

3. Benefits of Reunification

4. Conclusion


The peninsula of Korea is left as the only divided country after the reunification of Germany on 3 October 1990. The place looks peaceful on the outside; the danger of war has resided in the peninsula since 1953. According to the survey (2009) conducted by Daum, which is one of the famous internet portal sites in Korea, 69.1% of young South Koreans disagree with reunification with North Korea. There is a fact that they don’t know about reunification. Reunification means not only an ethnic combination but also means an economic development. Since Korea is divided into two parts, South Korea isn’t able to grow financially anymore surrounded by ocean, blocked to the north and guarding against each other. Reunification allows the economy of South Korea to improve through increased trade with Russia and China, stabilized job market, and Korean military systems will change. Reunification with North Korea would bring significant economic benefits that 69.1% of young people can’t see.

참고 자료

Beck, Peter. “Contemplating Korean Reunification.” Wall Street Journal 04 Jan. 2010: A.15. Print.
Klug, Foster. “Hurried Reunification has Pitfalls.” The Globe and Mail. 05 Jan. 2012: A.14. Print.
Kim Young-sun. “7 out of 10 Korean says the reunification expense is bigger than the profit.” ‘Asia today online news.’ 23 Sep. 2011, WEB: http://www.asiatoday.co.kr/news/view.asp?seq=560011
Jo, Sung-Tae. “Why people do not estimate the benefits of the reunification?” ‘Seoul news paper,’ 14 Dec. 2011, WEB: http://www.seoul.co.kr/news/newsView.php?id=20111214023003
Yang, Un-Chul. “Let’s Not Be Afraid of the Expenses of Reunification.” Oct. 2012: pp.86-91. Print.
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