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The Audiolingual Method

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Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching의 소주제를 요약 정리 한 자료입니다.




4. The Audiolingual Method
- The Coleman Report in 1929 recommended a reading-based approach. → This emphasized teaching the comprehension of texts.
- Rapid silent reading was the goal, but teacher often resorted to discussing the content of the passage in English. → Those involved in the teaching of English used either a modified Direct Method approach, a reading-based approach, or a reading-oral approach.
- Unlike the approach that was being developed by British applied linguists, there was little attempt to treat language content systematically.
- There was no standardization of the vocabulary or grammar that was included.
- The entry of the United States into World War II had a significant effect on language teaching in America. → To supply the U.S government with personnel, It was necessary to set up a special language training program. → Thus the ASTP was established in 1942.
- The objective of the army programs was for students to attain conversational proficiency in a variety of foreign languages.
- The technique Bloomfield and his colleagues used was sometimes known as the "informant method," since it used a native speaker o the language. → The linguist was trained in eliciting the basic structure of the language from the informant. → Thus the students and the linguist were able to take part in guided conversation with the informant, and together they gradually learned how to speak the language, as well as to understand much of its basic grammar.

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