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  • LF몰 이벤트
  • 서울좀비 이벤트
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  • 아이템베이 이벤트
  • 아이템매니아 이벤트


최초 등록일
최종 저작일
33페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Invitation toContentsProject I Building fashion brands- New Brand Launching1. Target Research Market2. Market Position3. Brand NamingProject II Line Development1. Trend Report2. Concept Board3. Color Story/Fabric Story/Print Story4. Style SheetProject III Merchandising Plans 1. Ratios (Style, Size, Color) 2. Merchandising PlanProject IV Marketing Strategies1. Promotion2. PlaceProject IBuilding Fashion Brands- New Brand Launching1. Target Research Market2. Market Position3. Brand NamingProject I Building fashion brands1. Target Research MarketThe real condition of 2010 Korean Fashion MarketTarget research market2. Market Position1) Setting the competitor brands2) The analysis of the competitor brands3) SWOT analysis4) Product positioning map 3. Brand Naming


Project I
Building fashion brands
- New Brand Launching
1. Target Research Market
2. Market Position
3. Brand Naming

Project II
Line Development
1. Trend Report
2. Concept Board
3. Color Story/Fabric Story/Print Story
4. Style Sheet

Project III
Merchandising Plans
 1. Ratios (Style, Size, Color)
 2. Merchandising Plan

Project IV
Marketing Strategies
1. Promotion
2. Place


1. Target Research Market

1) The real condition of 2010 Korean Fashion Market

○1 The Low Growth of Korean Fashion Market
First of all, in the business depression of domestic market, it has shown the low growth from past years with the slump of many department store and many of fashion brand’s bankruptcy. In addition, negative point of consumer expectation index is also helped to sink into a slough of stagnation.

○2 The Absence of Mid Price Market
People started to be getting more rational shopping behavior active, and it makes the polarization of consumer market. Furthermore, the one of consumption trend, the spread of emotional consumption changed the fashion store formats and the fashion marketing systems. As a result of those, in the fashion market, now there is only high price market and low price market. It means the absence of mid price market which consumer might need.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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