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Positive Regulatory Control Loop between Gut Leptin and Intestinal GLUT2_GLUT5 Transporters

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Positive Regulatory Control Loop between Gut Leptin and Intestinal GLUT2/GLUT5 Transporters Links to Hepatic Metabolic Functions in RodentsYassine Sakar1, Corinne Nazaret1, Philippe Letteron1, Amal Ait Omar1, Mathilde Avenati1, Benoit Viollet2,3, Robert Ducroc1, Andre Bado1*

dietary carbohydrates are taken into the enterocytes by specific transporters and exit the cell through the basolateral GLUT2 transporter.
Glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) also known as solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 2 (SLC2A2) is a transmembrane carrier protein that enables passive glucose movement across cell membranes. It is the principal transporter for transfer of glucose between liver and blood, and for renal glucose reabsorption. In humans, this protein is encoded by the SLC2A2 gene
GLUT2 is found in cellular membranes of:
- liver
- pancreatic beta cells
- hypothalamus
- basolateral and brush border membrane of small intestine
- basolateral membrane of renal tubular

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Positive Regulatory Control Loop between Gut Leptin and Intestinal GLUT2_GLUT5 Transporters
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