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Transcription Occurs by Base Pairing in a “Bubble” of Unpaired DNA

The Transcription Reaction Has Three Stages

Phage T7 RNA polymerase Is a Useful Model System

A Model for enzyme Movement Is Suggested by the Crystal Structure

Bacterial RNA Polymerase Consists of Multiple Subunits

RNA polymerase Consists of the Core Enzyme and Sigma Factor

The Association with Sigma Factor Changes at Initiation

A Stalled RNA polymerase Can Restart

How Does RNA polymerase Find Promoter Sequences?

Sigma Factor Controls Binding to DNA

Promoter Recognition Depends on Consensus Sequences

Promoter Efficiencies can be increased or decreased by mutation

RNA polymerase binds to one face of DNA

Supercoling is an important feature of transcription

Substitution of sigma factors may control initiation

Sigma factors directly contact DNA

Sigma factors may be organized into cas

Sporulation is controlled by sigma factors

Sporulation is controlled by sigma factors

Bacterial RNA polymerase terminates at discrete sites

There are two tupes of terminators in E.coli

How does Rho factor work?

Antitermination is a regulatory event

Antitermination requires site that are independent of the terminators

Termination and antitermination factors interact with RNA polymerase


11.1 Introduction
Within this context, there are two basic questions in gene expression:
How does RNA polymerase find promoters on DNA?
How do regulatory proteins interact with RNA polymerase to activate or to repress specific steps in the initiation, elongation, or termination of transcription?

11.2 Transcription Occurs by Base Pairing in a “Bubble” of Unpaired DNA
Fig.11.3 DNA strands separate to form a transcription bubble. RNA is synthesized by complementary base pairing with one of the DNA strands.
Fig.11.5 during transcription, the bubble is maintained within bacteria RNA polymerase, which unwinds and rewinds DNA and synthesizes RNA.

11.3 The Transcription Reaction Has Three Stages
Fig.11.6 Transcription has four stage : The enzyme binds to the promoter and melts DNA, remains stationary during initiation, moves along the template during elongation, and dissociates at termination.
Template recognition
Begins with the binding of RNA polymerase to the double stranded DNA at a promoter.
“closed complex”

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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