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[영어작문에세이] 테크놀로지 (테크놀로지가 사용되는 곳 중에 한 곳에 대해 이야기하시오)

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[영어작문에세이] 테크놀로지 (테크놀로지가 사용되는 곳 중에 한 곳에 대해 이야기하시오)

Tell me one of the places technology is used. Where is it? What kind of technology is used? Do you think it is convenient for you?

테크놀로지가 사용되는 곳 중에 한 곳에 대해 이야기하시오. 어디이며 어떤 테크놀로지가 쓰이는지? 사용하기 편한지에 대해 자세히 이야기하시오.





Tell me one of the places technology is used. Where is it? What kind of technology is used? Do you think it is convenient for you?

테크놀로지가 사용되는 곳 중에 한 곳에 대해 이야기하시오. 어디이며 어떤 테크놀로지가 쓰이는지? 사용하기 편한지에 대해 자세히 이야기하시오.

I suppose one of the places different types of technology are introduced and used is a library. I don`t know when libraries started to use it, but it was already used when I visited a city library in the late 1990. Each library`s already run its own website. On the homepage library users can look up books they want to read, reserved books and extend the loan date. If anyone wants to check out books from the library, they needs library cards(book cards). When you hand in your card with books you want to check out, the librarian scan the bar code on the card. And soon she/he can read the personal information. Thanks to the device many people can borrow books in a short time. These days technology brought big changes to the libriaries. Almost each library has room for computers and notebooks. Without going to the library, we can read books at home through e-books. As the computer technology has advanced, the library has become more convenient than ever.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Gold개인인증


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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[영어작문에세이] 테크놀로지 (테크놀로지가 사용되는 곳 중에 한 곳에 대해 이야기하시오)
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2024년 07월 18일 목요일
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