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  • LF몰 이벤트
  • 서울좀비 이벤트
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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


- 1979 : Krating Daeng (Thailand drink) gave the idea - 1984 : Red Bull GmbH founded- 1987 : Red bull energy drink released in Austria- 1994 : launching in Germany- 1997 ~ : Broadening (Europe, North America, Austrailia, Asia)Introduction90% Austria drink MarketIf You Need Passion of Flying, Drink Red Bull- Higher than the price of rival products.Thailand ( 450)Singapore ( 740)U.S.A. ( 2900)Price- Problem : Dissatisfaction spreads out through SNS. The opposite effect of Viral Marketing Strategy.Example of Shin Ramen Black : Sustained high price strategy, Early glory, Stopped by poor sales after allPrice- Energy drink- Can product, 250ml, 112kcalGives spirit→ Occult charmsProductConvenient storeNight clubSports shopIn germany, it is restricted by rumors→ Smuggling→ Forbidden product charmsPlaceStreet sportsDance and musicRumorYOUNG, COOL, and DANGAROUS


Marketing Strategy
Unique strategy in Korea


- 1979 : Krating Daeng (Thailand drink) gave the idea
- 1984 : Red Bull GmbH founded
- 1987 : Red bull energy drink released in Austria
- 1994 : launching in Germany
- 1997 ~ : Broadening
(Europe, North America, Austrailia, Asia)

- Higher than the price of rival products.
Thailand (₩ 450)
Singapore (₩ 740)
U.S.A. (₩ 2900)

- Problem : Dissatisfaction spreads out through SNS. The opposite effect of Viral Marketing Strategy.
Example of Shin Ramen Black : Sustained high price strategy, Early glory, Stopped by poor sales after all

- Energy drink
- Can product, 250ml, 112kcal
Gives spirit
→ Occult charms

참고 자료


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판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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