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Argumentative Essay. 인간복제에 관한 영어 에세이

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최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
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인간복제에 관한 반대 입장의 argumentative essay입니다.
A+받은 에세이입니다.




Human cloning is to reproduce a genetically identical human being or a part of the human artificially. The controversy over the issue of human cloning is likely to get bigger as time goes by. It is widely believed that human cloning technology can complement physically defective parts of human and improve the quality of life; for instance, damaged organs could be replaced by clone’s “brand new” organs. Imagine the scenes involving growing “creatures” in the water-filling incubators, and white-coated doctors busily moving back and forth between them. As the scenes are graphically described in some movies and novels, such as “The Island” and “Brave New World”, the consequences of cloning are not that good. Human cloning should be stopped before it brings humans on earth to a complete state of confusion.
Although it may be true that human cloning technology contributes to extend human life spans which human have always dreamed for a long time, this is certainly an act that violates the absolute laws of nature. If people become able to duplicate their success in replacing the body part with new cloned organ and they realize that this field can be a good way of getting money, they would clone a whole human body that is exactly identical person with original. This

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Argumentative Essay. 인간복제에 관한 영어 에세이
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