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A Souvenir of Japan

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최종 저작일
26페이지/ MS 파워포인트
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소설의 작가와 인물소개 줄거리 주제 등을 다루고 있으며 문학적으로 중요한 요소 또한 다루고 있습니다. 유익한 자료가 될 것입니다.


Author - Angela Carter


Woman’s eyes toward a man known as ‘Taro’

Once I was at home, however, it was as if I occupied the inner room and he did not expect me to go out of it, although it was I who paid the rent. (p. 124)
But I usually found myself waiting for him to come home knowing, with a certain resentment, that he would no; and that he would not even telephone me to tell me he would be late, either, for he was far too guilty to do so.(p. 122)
But the most moving of these images were the intangible reflections of ourselves we saw in one another’s eyes, reflections of nothing but appearances, in a city dedicated to seeming, and try as we might to possess the essence of each other’s otherness, we would inevitably fail.(p. 127)

Crossed section of world by ‘I’
In other words, I knew him only in relation to myself. Yet, on those terms, I knew him perfectly.(p. 125)

You must be content only with glimpses of our outlines, as if you had caught sight of our reflections in the looking-glass of somebody else’s house as you passed by the window. His name was not Taro. I only called him Taro so that I could use the conceit of the peach boy, because it seemed appropriate. (p. 125)

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