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Korea Economy with SMEs

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


세계경제가 한국경제에 미치는 영향, 그리고 한국경제와 SME 관계



Main Body:

Korea Economic Outlook

1) Domestic risks

2) Authorities

3) Long term stratagy

Global Impact

Free Trade Agreement



Appendix page:

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3& Table1
Figure 4



Korea Economic Outlook

Korea economy has been slowed growth in 2011. It is reflecting the deceleration in world trade and stagnant activity in the domestic sector, which has not yet fully recovered through the export from the 2008 global crisis (OECD,2011a).
In late 2008, the global financial crisis was intensified which led to great capital outflows from Korea and turmoil in its capital market. The Korean authorities` response to the crisis has actually been exemplary. They countered outflow of the capital that they saw after the collapse of Lehman Brothers with the infusion of the liquidity both the dollar and their domestic currency liquidity and this prevented to the core media collapse in financial institutions or the big crunch which has been seen in other countries.

참고 자료

Bill Conerly, South Korea Economic Forecast, 2012-2013: A Business Perspective, Forbes
accessed 05/03/2012

CIA-The World Factbook ,2012
accessed 03/03/2012

Economy watch(2010), South Korea Export, Import & Trade
accessed 15/02/2012

Bill Conerly,Forbes-South Korea Economic Forecast, 2012-2013: A Business Perspective -

IMF (2011a)- Statement at the Conclusion of the 2011 Article IV Consultation Mission to the Republic of Korea
accessed 17/02/2012

IMF (2011b), Executive Board Concludes 2011 Article IV Consultation with the Republic of Korea, (PIN) No. 11/109,August 4, 2011, IMF,Washington, D.C.

IMF(2010), Republic of Korea: Selected Issues, IMF,Washington, D.C.

JEONG Young-Sik- economic outlook (2011),Won/Dollar Rate Falls below 1,100: Background and Outlook, Samsung Economic Research Institute

Kim, Choongsoo (2011), monetary policy report, The Bank of Korea

OECD-A framework for growth and social cohesion in Korea

OECD, Economic Outlook,2011a,volume-2011-issue-2 [i.p. 148-151]

OECDilibrary- Economics: Key Tables from OECD-inflation rate ,2012
accessed 20/02/2012

OECD b- economic forecast summary,2011b
accessed 3/03/2012

The World Bank-doing business, 2012
accessed 25/03/2012

Times - business times,2010
accessed 01/03/2012

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