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닐사이먼의[Chapter Two], 인생2막, 챕터 투 레포트입니다

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닐사이먼의[Chapter Two], 인생2막, 챕터 투 레포트입니다.
총 9장 분량으로, 영문으로 손수 작성하였습니다.
A+ 나온 레포트입니다. 다른 어떤 자료보다 믿을 만할 겁니다.


1. Introduction

(1) about Neil Simon
(2) background of the play

2. Plot overview

3. Modern city life in the play

4. Characters

(1) George Schneider
(2) Jennie Malone
(3) Leo Schneider
(4) Faye Medwik

5. Two couples

(1) George and Jennie
(2) Leo and Faye

6. Closing remarks


Neil Simon (born July 4, 1927) is an American playwright and screenwriter. He has written numerous Broadway plays, including Brighton Beach Memoirs, Biloxi Blues, and The Odd Couple. He won the 1991 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for his play Lost In Yonkers. He has written the screenplays for several of his plays that were made into movies. He also has written the books for several musicals, including Sweet Charity. Simon has been married five times, to dancer Joan Baim (1953-973), actress Marsha Mason (1973-1981), twice to Diane Lander (1987-1988 and 1990-1998),

<중 략>

Leo is a busy working newsman who doesn’t have time to be concerned about his wife and child. He is the man of an untrammeled mind and opened about sexual relationships. He has some fantasies of his own in mind, especially about physical love and finding his solutions from out of home. Faye is a bright woman who also has some fantasies about romantic and passionate love. Nonetheless their ideals are opposite; they make an attempt to commit double adultery for the temporary answer.

참고 자료

닐 사이먼, 『챕터 투』, 이한섭 역. 예니출판사. 1998.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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닐사이먼의[Chapter Two], 인생2막, 챕터 투 레포트입니다
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