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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


관찰법, Ethnography,서울대경영대학원, MBA, article


I. Introduction

II. Ethnographic Approaches to Identifying Customer Requirements
1. The Theory of Ethnography fir Product Innovation
2. Ethnographic Techniques
3. Use of Interview and Other Market Research Techniques

III. Research Approach
1. Planning an Ethnographic Inquiry

IV. Case Description
Case1: Panasonic Lady Shaver
1. Project scope, timeline, and objectives:
2. Ethnographic Approach
3. Insight Gathered:
4. Impacts from the ethnographic inquiry:
Case2: Fishing Motors
1. Design firm selection, project timeline, and objectives:
2. Ethnographic approach:
3. Insights gathered:

V. Reflections, Analysis, and Lessons
1. Impacts of Ethnographies on Front-End Product Choices:
2. Innovation Process Learnings:
3. Planning Ethnographies:
4. Conducting Ethnographies:
5. Leveraging Ethnographies
6. Using Design Consultants or Deciding Not to Do Ethnographies


This article contributes operational perspectives on ethnographic inquiry in general and in particular, on its effective integration in the front end of the product development process. There are three questions addressed in this article; (1) What key process steps and alternative approaches lead to insightful identification of relevant customer experiences? (2) What critical dimensions of customer experience offer hidden opportunities for innovative product design? (3) How are ethnographic studies planned, executed, and leveraged in the front end of the product development process when defining new product concept? A successful ethnography may arise through appreciation of unconsciousness concerns or desires of the consumer. It should be based on successful planning which calls for an open mind for screening for diversity in respondents, gaining access to the desired range of respondents, and selecting a suitable ethnography team.

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