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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Global Business TodayHyundai Motor CompanyTable of ContentsⅠ. Introduction 1. Corporate History 2. Corporate Philosophy 3D Network 4. Manufacturing 5. Global Sales Network Ⅱ. Analysis of Global Automobile market environment1. Capacity of Global Automobile market 2. Automotive industry crisis (2008-2010) 3. Perspective change of the automobile consumers Ⅲ. Hyundai Motor Company (HMC)’s global business strategy1. US 1). Analysis of rrent US automobile industry 2). Backgrounds of entry 3). Benefits of Alabama 4). Facilities in US 5). Strategy6). Sale 2. Europe1). Analysis of current Europe automobile industry2). Backgrounds of Entry 3). Market Share 4). Benefits of Turkey and Czech Republic Plant 5). Localization Strategy 3. Asia1). China(1). Analysis of current China’s automobile industry (2). Backgrounds of entry(3). Automotive industrial policy (4). Benefits and costs of Joint-Venture(5). Dunning`s eclectic paradigm 2). India(1). Analysis of current India’s automobile industry (2). Background of Entry(3). Automotive industrial policy


Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Corporate History
2. Corporate Philosophy
3. Global R&D Network
4. Manufacturing
5. Global Sales Network

Ⅱ. Analysis of Global Automobile market environment
1. Capacity of Global Automobile market
2. Automotive industry crisis (2008-2010)
3. Perspective change of the automobile consumers

Ⅲ. Hyundai Motor Company (HMC)’s global business strategy
1. US
1). Analysis of current US automobile industry
2). Backgrounds of entry
3). Benefits of Alabama
4). Facilities in US
5). Strategy
6). Sale
2. Europe
1). Analysis of current Europe automobile industry
2). Backgrounds of Entry
3). Market Share
4). Benefits of Turkey and Czech Republic Plant
5). Localization Strategy
3. Asia
1). China
(1). Analysis of current China’s automobile industry
(2). Backgrounds of entry
(3). Automotive industrial policy
(4). Benefits and costs of Joint-Venture
(5). Dunning`s eclectic paradigm
2). India
(1). Analysis of current India’s automobile industry
(2). Background of Entry
(3). Automotive industrial policy
(4). Reason & Benefits of wholly owned subsidiary
(5). Localization Strategy

Ⅳ. Business Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
1. CSR: Recent Activities

Ⅴ. Overall performance & statistical figures

Ⅵ. Conclusion


Ⅰ. Introduction
Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) is a South Korean multinational automaker headquartered in Seoul. The firm was founded in 1967 and along with acquisition of Kia Motors; together they comprised the Hyundai Motor Group. They became the world’s fourth largest automobile manufacturer in the world based on annual vehicle sales in 2010 after Toyota, GM, and Volkswagen. In 2008 Hyundai ranked as the eighth largest automaker. Moreover in 2010, Hyundai sold over 3.6 million vehicles worldwide. As of 2011, the company became the fastest growing automaker for two years in a row. Hyundai operates the world’s largest integrated automobile manufacturing facility in Ulsan. The Ulsan plant is capable of producing 1.6 million units annually. The company is now selling vehicles in 193 countries and has various production, sales and service base all over the world.

<중 략>

(a). Benefits of Hyundai Motor

Despite the fact that the joint-venture was compulsory, Hyundai Motor was able to benefit from the joint-venture.

① By collaborating with Beijing train, which is state-owned company, Hyundai Motors was able to get fast permission from the authorities. Moreover, Chinese culture had tendency of working slow which is called MANMANDI, concerning the fact that one of the core competency of Hyundai Motors was fast and efficient decision making, Hyundai Motor expected Beijing train to speed up the decision making process by the government by having Beijing train as a partner.

② Hyundai Motor could make positive image with Beijing city. Beijing city hoisted flags showing 『現代意識』『服務現代』which could be interpreted in two ways. For example, 現代 could be read both `modern` and `Hyundai`. Anyway, Hyundai could improve its brand image and adapt well to Beijing city.

참고 자료

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박경완(2006), 우리나라 자동차 업체의 미국 시장 점유율 확대를 위한 연구, 외국어대 경영대학원
이규선(2005), 현대자동차의 세계화 전략 분석, 한국기술교육대 산업대학원
Hyundai Motor Company Non-Consolidated Statements of Income, (2011.12.31)
Plunkett Research (2008) “Automobile industry Introduction.
Hyundai Motor Company Official Website
Hyundai Motor Company Annual Report
이준호, 곽태윤(2011), 미국 자동차시장의 특성 변화와 대응, 한국자동차산업연구소
박상용(2011), 현대차그룹의 성장전략과 위상-폭스바겐과의 비교, KIS CREDIT MONITER
판매자 유형Platinum개인인증


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