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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
52페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Principles of Business ManagementINDEXRent- E-commerce & global marketingStructure issueMotivationSituation AnalysisSummarySolutionSituation AnalysisHuge Success on Korean Professional BaseballBusiness Analysis of Korean Professional Baseball2006 WBCendance among Korean major sportsicThreatsOpportunitiesStrengthsWeaknessHigh popularitySuccessful result, Athletic performancePurchasing power of female audienceHigh familiarity with mediaExpanding scale of professional leagueRemodeling outdated facilitiesOutdated facilitiesLack of Internet businessNon existence of international marketing effortsIllegal ticket brokerLack of HR/Motive- Competition between other sports and Performance servicesCrushing down of parents companyLeaking of young talented athletics


Situation Analysis

Problems & Solution
- Facilities & Rent
- E-commerce & global marketing
- Distribution & Structure issue
- HR & Motivation



3. Distribution & Structure issue

Poor distribution of ticket
-8tickets per person
-To Abuse Internet Reservation
- No identification
-Separation suppliers from dealers
-Relatively low ticket price compared with market value.
Distribution-Structural issue
Slight regulation/punishment? Illegal ticket prevalence.

Increase of Average customer transaction(total admission receipts/ total audiences: 8183₩
?Positive: soundness of finances of baseball cub
weakness: possibility of consumer resistance
Still Deficit financing club
Deficit of Club

unstable financial structure of club

Unstable financial structure of club
Without support fund , club can’t manage itself

참고 자료

판매자 유형Platinum개인인증


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