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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Organization Behavior Team ProjectObservation of Hyundai Motor Company with Time-off SystemIntroduction of Hyundai Motor CorporationHyundai Motor Corporation is one of the biggest global companies in South Korea. This picture compares two summary sales in first quarter of 2011 and 2012.Hyundai was founded with Ford in December, 1967. In October, 1998, Hyundai Group took over KIA Motors Corporation. Then in August, 2000, Hyundai Motor Corporation classified the KIA Motors Corporation as an affiliate of itself. The Hyundai Motor Corporation also has about 40 affiliates. As mentioned, Hyundai is biggest corporation so they have a lot of employees according to the chart below.


1. Introduction of Hyundai Motor Corporation

2. What is the time-off system?

3. Why did we choose “Time-off system”?

4. Hyundai with time-off system

5. Our suggestions for Hyundai


2. What is the time-off system?
Time-off system is one of a wage system that the company assigns working hours to union officer and only acknowledges labor management time as the working time that company assigned. This system was introduced in 2009 by agreement of labor and management, and it became effective in 2010, July.
To understand time-off system perfectly, we also should know about union officer. In a company, there is an organization that protects the worker’s right and interests. We call this organization, Labor Union. They usually check whether workers are at disadvantage or not. They demand a correct and change in system by showing collective action towards their company.
The time-off system makes payment of wages for union activities which become legally recognized labor union activities confer legitimacy to the role.

참고 자료

[현대자동차 IR보고서]
[코리아 헤럴드 - By Bae Ji-sook 2011-05-12 19:19]
[YTN 뉴스 – 이상순 기자 2010-11-01 05:57]
[조세일보 – 민경종 기자 2012.05.14 09:36]
[국제신문 – 방종근 기자 2012-05-15 20:06]
[한경신문 - 윤기설 노동전문기자/조재길/최진석 기자 2010-07-01 09:19]
[네이버 카페]
[네이트 이미지 검색 단어 “타임오프제”]
[네이버 지식사전 검색 단어 “타임오프제”]
[전국금속노동조합 현대자동차지부]
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