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emily dickinson[1]

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최종 저작일
3페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


에밀리디킨슨 시 분석, 영작




Emily Dickinson is destroyer of English grammar which means she doesn’t use the plural and past form of English. She only uses the present form. She was living single for whole life. She is extraordinary person. How can people manage and deal with the death but she did.
On winter afternoons, while she walks, she gets hurt because she sees the light is gone. Natural world has no meaning if you don’t make the meaning of something. Pain is made by you yourself. Hurts and pains come from inside of your mind. In winters, the sun is not directly on your head. It is on between the horizon and the sky so it is inclined. The light inclined is winter. Realization of the death will uplift you so she concentrates everything about the winter. This poem is about the winter and the death.
Writer uses the word Heft which means you have to do something that very hard to do or you have to handle the heavy things. It means you have to deal with the death which is very heavy pressure. The word seal means nothing can pass because every facet is blocked. Nobody tells you what the meaning is so you can only feel the despair and discourage. This is driving force to write the poem for writer. Awareness of death can be granted as an emperor because only human knows about that and also only human know the pain of death. Shadows refer to dead people but actually not exactly dead and not exactly live. The dead people try to know the meaning of the death after they revived. Night completely dark and there is no light at all. This is absolute death. It gives the face to the abstract death and then she figures the distance between this world and the other world from the face of the death.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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emily dickinson[1]
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