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(영문) 미국교육기관의 국제학생이 접하는 문제점과 해결

*ong Jane Jieu*
최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
가격 13,000원 할인쿠폰받기


미국 교육기관에 국제학생들이 접하는 문제점과 해결점을 연구하여 분석한 영문레포트입니다. 미국대학에서 A받았습니다. APA작성법에 의해 작성되었으며 references까지 완벽히 정리되어있습니다. 도움되시길바랍니다!


(Title) A win-win for all of us – go global, care more: Problems faced by international students and suggested solutions
1. Problems

2. Suggested solutions

3. A win-win for all of us – go global, care more


Acknowledging the needs of international students and implementing changes accordingly would not only benefit those students, but in the end will bring more foreign students to American colleges, which will lead to the revenue increase, as well as the cultural and academic enrichment (Selvadurai, 1992). The greater understanding will also provide useful strategies for college counselors and personnel when helping international students adjust to their new learning and living environment (Olivas et al., 2006). Aforementioned problems and barriers will greet international students when they first arrive at foreign land, however, it will be a win-win for everyone related to the advantages of cross-national education if the institutions acknowledge such hardships and implement changes into their system.

참고 자료

Selvadurai, R. (1992). Problems faced by international students in American colleges and
universities. Community review, 12(1-2), 27-32.
Yuefang Zhou, Divya Jindal-Snape, Keith Topping and John Todman. (2008). Theoretical models of culture shock and adaptation in international students in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 33(1), 63–75.
Monique Olivas and Chi-Sing Li. (2006). Understanding stressors of international students in higher education: what college counselors and personnel need to know. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 33(3), 217-222.
*ong Jane Jieu*
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