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Samsung Research Paper

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최종 저작일
13페이지/ MS 워드
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One of the greatest South Korean companies, Samsung, has expanded its business throughout the world and has become a source of modern technology, since March 1, 1938 when it was founded by Byung-Chull Lee who started his business thirty dollars. Although Lee started his business by exporting dried fishes, vegetables, and fruits to Manchuria and Beijing, decades later, he made a debut into selling mill and confectionery machines. Even in times of difficulties after the Korean War, Lee did not give up during an adversity, but established Samsung Moolsan in Busan which is now known as Samsung Corporation. Throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s, Samsung decided to centralize its business and invested in electrics, petrochemical, and heavy chemical industry. Through that effort, Samsung was able to introduce television, video tape recorder, and various kinds of home appliances not only to South Korean people, but also to the world’s market. Furthermore, by 1974, Samsung already obtained a fifty percent stake in Korean semiconductor (“Samsung’s History,” Samsung).

참고 자료

Rowley, James and Paik Youngsun. The changing of Korean Mangement. New York: Routledge,
2008. Print.
“Samsung’s history.” Samsung.com. Samsung. Web. 10 February. 2011.
Lee, Kun-Hee. “Business Philosophy of Lee Byung-chull.” The Korean Times, 2010. Web. 10
February. 2011.
“Samsung Global Strategy Group Employee Review.” Glassdoor.com. Glassdoor, 2010. Web.
10 February. 2011.
“Social Performance: Reeducation and Job Training.” Samsung.com. Samsung. Web. 10
February. 2011.
David. “Apple iPhone Causing Samsung & LG to struggle in Its Home turf.” Wupida, 2010.
Web. 10 February. 2011.
“Samsung Extends Sponsorship of Olympic Game Until 2016.” Sportsbusiness.com. Sports
Business, 2008. Web. 10 February. 2011.
“Samsung: Way into Sports With The Olympic Games Sponsorship.” Articlesbase.com.
Articlebase, 2010. Web. 10 February. 2011.
“Samsung Electronics and Chelsea Football Club announce renewal of global partnership.”
Samsung.com. Samsung, 2009. Web. 10 February. 2011.
“Social Performance: Contributi
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