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EUVL (Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography) for semiconductor processing

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


반도체 공정에서의 EUVL


1. Introduction

2. Current status

3. Objective



1. Introduction: Resolution


▶ The achievable, repeatable minimum feature size (Critical Dimension)
▶ Determined by the wavelength of the light and the numerical aperture of the system.
▶ The resolution can be expressed as:
where k1 = the system constant, l is the wavelength of the light, NA = the numerical aperture of the lens
▶ Increase NA
→ Larger lens, could be too expensive and unpractical
→ Reduce DOF (Depth of Focus) and cause fabrication difficulties
▶ Reduce wavelength
→ UV to DUV, to EUV, and to X-Ray
→ Need develop light source, photoresist, exposure system, and equipment
▶ Reduce k1
→ Phase shift mask

To improve resolution!

1. Introduction: Depth of Focus

Depth of Focus
▶ The range that light is in focus and can achieve good resolution of projected image
▶ Depth of focus can be expressed as:
where k2 = the system constant, l is the wavelength of the light, NA = the numerical aperture of the lens

Fig. 4. Illustration of DOS (depth of focus) and COS (center of focus)

2. Current status: ITRS of Lithography 2010 edition

참고 자료

이승윤, 안진호, 차세대 극자외선 리소그라피(EUVL) 기술, 전자공학회지, 제33권, 제5호 (2006).
정태진, 유종준, 반도체 공정용 리소그래피 기술의 최근 동향, 전자통신동향분석, 제13권, 제5호 (1998).
진윤식, 박도영, 전정우, 정영민, 극자외선(EUV) 리소그라피를 위한 광원 및 스테이지 기술, 전기의 세계, 제51권, 제2호 (2002).
Jung Hyeun Kim, Christof Asbach, Se-Jin Yook, Kevin Orvek, Heinz Fissan, and David Y. H. Pui,“Investigation of thermophoretic protection with speed-controlled particles at 100 mTorr, 50 mTorr and 25 mTorr, J. Vacuum Sci. Technol B 24, 1178-1184 (2006).
Jung Hyeun Kim, Heinz Fissan, Christof Asbach, Se-Jin Yook, Jing Wang, and David Y. H. Pui,“Effect of reverse flow by differential pressure on the critical surfaces against particle contaminations,”J. Vacuum Sci. Technol B 24, 1844-1849 (2006).
David Y. H. Pui, Nanoparticle Contamination Control in EUVL Systems: Carrier, Scanner and Metrology - A Review
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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EUVL (Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography) for semiconductor processing
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