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Definition of CSR & Condition DiscussionSpecific Examples of CSRBibliographyMerit & Demerit through Examples Background of Raising CSR Corporate Social Responsibility To survive for a long time and earn higher profits , corporation seek socially desirable value (social responsibility)Economic, Legal, Ethical, Philanthropic AspectDefinition of CSR경제적 법적 윤리적 자선적 책임이라는 네 가지 기업의 핵심 책임을 바탕으로 환경 경영까지 포함한 복합적이고 통합적인 개념Economic Responsibility, Legal Responsibility, Ethical Responsibility, 그리고 마지막이 Philanthropic Responsibility사회적 극대화가 목표 *Condition of CSR The Core Cycle of CSR CSR PolicyCSR Management SystemCSR AchievementCSR Result Public Announcement경제적 법적 윤리적 자선적 책임이라는 네 가지 기업의 핵심 책임을 바탕으로 환경 경영까지 포함한 복합적이고 통합적인 개념Economic Responsibility, Legal Responsibility, Ethical Responsibility, 그리고 마지막이 Philanthropic Responsibility사회적 극대화가 목표 *Global Tendency & Present Condition of CSRAfter IMF, social polarization is accompanied with quantitative growth of global economy. So as to solve this problem, CSR marketing draw the notice of world.To improve corporation value of brand, more corporation use CSR marketing. Social climate that social problem is not only individual`s fault but corporation`s fault is built up.Government recommend CSR marketing. (by giving benefits)Environmental Aspect


Definition of CSR & Condition
Background of Raising CSR
Specific Examples of CSR
Merit & Demerit through Examples


Corporate Social Responsibility
To survive for a long time and earn higher profits , corporation seek socially desirable value (social responsibility)

Economic, Legal, Ethical, Philanthropic Aspect
Definition& present condition of CSR

Definition of CSR

Definition& present condition of CSR
Condition of CSR
The Core Cycle of CSR
CSR Policy
CSR Management System
CSR Achievement
CSR Result Public Announcement

Global Tendency & Present Condition of CSR
Background of CSR Raising

After IMF, social polarization is accompanied with quantitative growth of global economy. So as to solve this problem, CSR marketing draw the notice of world.
To improve corporation value of brand, more corporation use CSR marketing.
Social climate that social problem is not only individual`s fault but corporation`s fault is built up.
Government recommend CSR marketing. (by giving benefits)

참고 자료

Thesis : Studies in Design Policy strengthened by Corporate Social Responsibility
Philip Kotler – CSR Marketing
Corporate social responsibility : doing the most good for your company and your cause
Unitas BRAND 3/4월호 모라비안유니타스 편집부| 2008.03.04 | Interview_≪필립 코틀러의 CSR 마케팅≫의 공저자, 낸시 리 CSI가 아니라 CSR 전략가에게 묻는다! 기업 DNA를 추적하다 Interview_ ≪윤리 경영≫의 저자, 로버트 하틀리 너무 착해서 강력해진 브랜드 Interview_ Korea CSR 컨설팅 그룹, 유명훈 대표 2개의 기업의 진화코드,CSR
CSR asia (http://www.csr-asia.com/)
Business for Social Responsibility (www.bsr.org)
『21세기를 위한 경영학』 조동성 – 서울경제경영
CSR은 자선이 아니라 책임이다
[Dong-A Business Review] may 1st ,may 2nd
경영학의 진리체계
판매자 유형Platinum개인인증


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