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영국자동차 산업에 대한 분석 (The UK automotive industry) - 영문!!

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최종 저작일
24페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,200원 할인쿠폰받기


영국 자동차 산업에 대한 analysis 영문 입니다. PEST analysis 하고 마이클 포터의 five force 를 이용했습니다. 그리고 five force analysis 파트는 영국에서의 일본 자동차 브랜드 도요타, 혼다, 닛산에 대한 analysis를 했습니다.
원어민에게 직접 교정 받았고 물론 좋은결과를 얻었습니다. 필요하신분은 이용하세요. (영문입니다)


1. Introduction. 1

2. The UK automotive Industry Sector. 1
2.1. Context of the UK automotive industry. 1
2.2. Economic performance. 2
2.3. Employment performance. 3
2.4. Manufacturing performance. 3

3. PEST Analysis. 4
3.1. Political. 4
3.2. Economic. 6
3.3. Sociocultural. 7
3.4. Technological. 9

4. Evaluation of the competitive nature of the industry (5 Forces Analysis). 10
4.1. Competitive Rivalry. 10
4.2. Threat of New Entrants. 12
4.3. Threat of Substitute 12
4.4. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 13
4.5. Bargaining Power of Buyers. 13

5. Conclusion. 14

6. Appendices. 15

7. References. 19


1. Introduction.
Although the history of the UK automotive industry has been through difficult times, the industry has finally taken a credible position in the world with some of features, which are distinct from other manufacturing countries such as Japan, Germany and South Korea. Thus, it is worthwhile analysing the UK automotive industry in detail.
The UK automotive industry has undergone a variety of changes since the Industrial Revolution.

<중 략>

4.5. Bargaining Power of Buyers High
Buyers have negotiating power when they replace an old car with a new one (Scribd, n.d.). They feel difficult to make correct decisions if they do not have enough information. In order to gather information, they attempt to research sources associated with tips for buying cars by accessing the Internet, visiting several dealerships, and comparing the opinions of other purchasers. Moreover, they do not spend any switching costs when they change to an alternative car brand (Oxbridge Writers, n.d.).

참고 자료

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