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part time job and volunteer 에 관한 영어 에쎄이입니다

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


아는 친구 한테 받은 영어 에세이 입니다
자원봉사와 아르바이트 에관한내용입니다


Ⅰ. Introduction
A. Interesting opening
B. Background information about students volunteer
C. Thesis statement
D. Plan

Ⅱ. Students Volunteers
A. Current situation of student volunteers in America
1. The number of student volunteers
B. Current situation of student volunteers in Japan
1. The number of student volunteers
C. The difference between America and Japan
1. Motivation to volunteer

Ⅲ. Student part-time jobs
A. Current situation of student part-time jobs in America
1. The number of student part-time jobs
2. How much they earn
3. Restrictions regarding part-time jobs
B. Current situation of student part-time jobs in Japan
1. The number of student part-time jobs
2. How much they earn
3. Restrictions Regarding part-time jobs
C. The difference between America and Japan
1. The reason why they do part-time job
2. How they use the money

Ⅳ. Importance of volunteer
A. Demand of volunteers around the world
1. East Japan earthquake
B. A lot of thing given by doing volunteer
1. Can learn thing you can’t learn in daily life
C. Volunteer changes your mind
1. Can feel your life is happy
Ⅴ. Conclusion
A. Try to volunteer
B. Should do Volunteer more than part- time job


Which do you choose money or goodwill? Do you want to become a rich person by leaving needed people? Truly, money is important for us to live. However, money cannot give you a meaningful life. College students have a lot of free time. It’s wasteful that you do only a part-time job everyday. Students should experience many kinds of thing.
Today, most students do a part-time job in Japan. Only a few students work as a volunteer. I think the number is very cheap.


Money cannot give you a meaningful life. College students have a lot of free time. It’s wasteful that you do only a part-time job every day. Students should experience many kinds of thing. Today, most students do a part-time job in Japan. Only a few students work
as a volunteer. I think the number is very cheap. In America, many students volunteer

참고 자료

Buzzle.com <http://www.buzzle.com/articles/part-time-high-playing-jobs.html>
Inter-American Develop Bank Regional Research Network Project
love to know jobs & careers
David A Stafford
“Cool Jobs for College” 2008/2
David Hamsphire
“Living and working in America” 2008/12
Graeme Chesters
“Living and Working in the Far East” 2004/6
Lee A Daniels May 6, 1979 New York Times
“Part-time Jobs For Teen-agers Age in Demand”
David Koeppel October 26, 2003 New York Times
“For many College Students, A Job to Pay Tuition”
October 27, 2007 Japan Times
“Part-time all the time”
Catherine Rampell February 5, 2010 New York Times
“Where Do You Volunteer?”
Jessica Henry October 27, 2010 Classroom Cubicle
“Part-Time Jobs in College”
Victor A Galls April 27, 2009 suitelol
“Teenagers at Work”
Jim Mckechnie February 25, 2010 Taylor & Francis
“School students part-time work”
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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