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임용 필독 도서 teacher`s grammar TG chapter1 문제입니다. 객관식 주관식 혼용되어 있으며, 최근 임고 경향에 맞게 제작하였습니다. 출처와 원문은 원서 (the grammar book, the student grammar)가 바탕이 되었습니다.


1. Phrasal verb = 동사와 부사 간에 강한 유대성 O

2. Prepositional verb = PP를 comp.로 취하는 V

3. Distinguishing between phrasal and prep. V

4. Phrasal Prepositional Verbs


1. Phrasal verb = 동사와 부사 간에 강한 유대성 O
* An adverbial particle refers to a word such as in, on, up, out, etc., when it modifies a verb rather than a noun. When they are linked with nouns, they are known as prepositions and when they are linked with verbs, they are known as adverbial particles. The combination of verb + adverb particle is known as a phrasal verb.
(1) Transitive phrasal verb
① separable: optional (particle movement) but pronoun 必
② inseparable
* If the transitive phrasal verb is fully idiomatic, the particle cannot normally be separated from the lexical verb by anything normally be separated from the lexical verb by anything except the object, not even by an intensifier. (SG, 338p.) a. She brought the girl right up.
b. She brought up the girl.
③ permanently separated

(2) Intransitive phrasal verb
* Cohesion의 증거 1) 의미가 통합적일 때만 발생 2) 분리 불가 3) adverb 전치 불가
① pure
② ergative

2. Prepositional verb = PP를 comp.로 취하는 V
(1) verb + prep. + prepositional object(NP)
① The passive is frequently possible.
② We can easily insert an adverbial between the lexical verb and prep.
a. Many people looked disdainfully at the picture.
b. *Many people examined disdainfully the picture.

(2) verb + NP + prep. + prepositional object (NP) : ditransitive verb
① The direct object becomes the subject in the corresponding passive clause.
a. The gang robbed her of her neckless.
b. She was robbed of her neckless.

3. Distinguishing between phrasal and prep. V
(1) Particle Movement
(2) Personal pronoun
(3) Adjunct adverb
(4) Relative pronoun or Wh-interrogative
(5) Stress

4. Phrasal Prepositional Verbs
(1) lexical verb + an adverb + a preposition
The prepositional passive is possible, though liable to sound cumbersome.
a. These tantrums could not be put up with any longer.
b. The death penalty has been recently don away with.
c. Such problems must be squarely faced up to.
d. They were looked down on by their neighbours.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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