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Lung cancer에 의한 Paraneoplastic syndrome

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3페이지/ 한컴오피스
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Lung cancer에 의한 Paraneoplastic syndrome(Cushing`s syndrome)의 정의 및 연관질환, 진단에 대한 레포트입니다.


1. Paraneoplastic syndrome

2. Paraneoplastic syndrome associated lung cancer

3. Lung cancer associated with cushing syndrome
1) small cell carcinoma
2) bronchial carcinoid


Paraneoplastic syndrome
A paraneoplastic syndrome is a disease or symptom that is the consequence of the presence of cancer in the body, but is not due to the local presence of cancer cells. These phenomena are mediated by humoral factors (by hormones or cytokines) excreted by tumor cells or by an immune response against the tumor. Paraneoplastic syndromes are typical among middle aged to older patients, and they most commonly present with cancers of the lung, breast, ovaries or lymphatic system (a lymphoma). Sometimes the symptoms of paraneoplastic syndromes show even before the diagnosis of a malignancy.

<중 략>

bronchial carcinoid
Bronchial carcinoid tumors, termed (incorrectly) "bronchial adenomas" in the past, are uncommon pulmonary neoplasms. These tumors are currently classified as neuroendocrine in origin because of their potential to form and sometimes secrete a variety of chemical substances. Overall, approximately 75% of bronchial carcinoid tumors arise in the lobar bronchi, 10% occur in the main-stem bronchi, and 15% originate in the periphery of the lung. Well-differentiated carcinoid tumors constitute almost 90% of all bronchial carcinoids.

참고 자료

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자기소개서, 방송통신대, 의/약학
판매자 정보
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