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The Possibility of Multiculturalism in Australia and Walkabout(영화 Australia 와 Walkabout에 대한 보고서)

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영화 Australia 와 Walkabout에 대한 영문보고서입니다.
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Both films, Australia in 2008 and Walkabout in 1971 have one thing in common; they all deal with multiculturalism and post orientalism in Australia. Especially, the film Australia has a special meaning since it was released right after Australian Prime minister apologized to aborigines living in Australia. In fact, the government supported it to promote its policy about multiculturalism. Unfortunately, these two films are criticized because some critics believed they were eventually about the superiority of the White. It was once judged that “Walkabout did not deviate from the stereotypical portrait of the Aboriginal ‘bush boy’ embellished with supposed empirical observations about Aboriginal people with its emphasis on their ‘

참고 자료

Australia. Director: Baz Luhrmann, Producer: Baz Luhrmann. Screenplay: Baz Lurhmann,
2008. Film.
Johnson, Norris Brock. On the Relationship of Anthropology: To Multicultural Teaching
and Learning. University of Michigan. 1977. Web. 13, Jun 2012. PDF.
Said, Edward W. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books. 1978.
Suneeti Rekhari, Film, Representation and the Exclusion of Aboriginal Identity: Examples
from Australian Cinema. University of Wollongong. Web. 13 Jun, 2012. PDF.
Walkabout. Director: Nicholas Roeg, Producer: Si Litvinoff, Screenplay: Edward Bond,
Based on the novel by James Vance Marshall, 1971. Film.

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The Possibility of Multiculturalism in Australia and Walkabout(영화  Australia 와 Walkabout에 대한 보고서)
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