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Should We Ban Tobacco,주장하는 글

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최종 저작일
3페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


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I can see some people smoking on the street in public place but there are not only smokers. Every time I go to language school, or I am on the way back home, I exposure smoke of cigarette and feel frustrated. Although there is a law for banned smoking, some people smoke ignoring non-smokers without taking a look around them. I think it is dangerous behavior to threaten other lives. What if pregnant women would breathe in some smoke? It is no doubt that tobacco products should be banned through cracking down on tobacco sales promotion, adding up taxes or expanding education of anti-smoking.
One of the ways to ban cigarette is cracking down on tobacco sales promotion. Cigarette companies have been advertising in various ways. Firstly, their products are well-organized in proper location in every store to attract consumers. For example, whenever I buy some groceries in a convenience store, I was forced to look cigarette shelf behind a clerk. Sometimes some characters of cigarettes which target women can pay even my attention. I believe it is likely to make not only adults but also adolescents show their interests in cigarette. Secondly, cigarette companies conduct sales promotion in entertainment districts where young people often gather together directly. Sepe Edward in American Journal of Public Health says, “the rate of tobacco advertisements at bars or clubs soared to about 50 percent between 1994 and 1999” (par.1). The drunken people would not be hesitant to buy cigarettes because they could not have a lack of judgement and it can be also easier for the companies to sell cigarette to them. Therefore, the government should try to prevent tobacco from being sold in particular place by enforcing the law.

참고 자료

Works Cited
Edward, Sepe and Stanton A. Glantz. "Bar and Club Tobacco Promotions in the Alternative Press: Targeting Young Adults." American Journal of Public Health 92.1 (Jan. 2002): 75–78. 18 Apr. 2012 <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov /pmc/articles/PMC1447392/?to
Lee, Jie-Min, Tsorng-Chyi Hwang, Chun-Yuan Ye and Sheng-Hong Chen. "The effect of cigarette price increase on the cigarette consumption in Taiwan: evidence from the National Health Interview Surveys on cigarette consumption" BMC Publi
Stephen E. Gilman, Rende R, Boergers J, Abrams DB, Buka SL, Clark MA, Colby SM, Hitsman B, Kazura AN, Lipsitt LP, Lloyd-Richardson EE, Rogers ML, Stanton CA, Stroud LR, Niaura RS. “Parental smoking and adolescent smoking initiation: an intergenerational p
Stephens, Thomas, Murray J Kaiserman, Douglas J McCall and Carol Sutherland-Brown. “School-based Smoking Prevention: Economic Costs Versus Benefits” Health Canada Volume 21, No. 2 – 2000. 22 Apr. 2012 < http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/pubs/tobac-tabac/
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Should We Ban Tobacco,주장하는 글
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