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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기




1. Introduction

1) Why water
2) Water as an energy source

2. Background Analysis

1) Current Situation
(1) World is facing serious water shortage.
(2) Korea is a water shortage country
(3 )Water consumption in Korea

2) BLOT analysis

3. Target Audience

4. PR strategy


Current Situation

Is Korea a water shortage country?

Lower than 1000㎥ → water-shortage country
Over 1000㎥,below 1700㎥ → water-stressed country
Over 1700㎥ → water-rich country
Korea, in 1993, usable water per person was 1470㎥,
In 2000, usable water per person was 1488㎥
→ water shortage country
By 2025, usable water is expected to be from 1327㎥ to 1199㎥, which seems to be getting more serious in lack of water supply
? Standard of classifying water shortage country
According to PAI(Population Action International),
by dividing rainfall runoff into population
if the water usage per person is,
Current Situation

The average annual precipitation in Korea is 1,245mm which is 1.4 times more than the average annual precipitation in the world (880mm).
But due to the high population density, the average annual precipitation per person is only 2,591㎥ which is about 13% of world average(19,635㎥).
2/3 of annual rainfall is concentrated in summer, gap between season and region is one of the highest.
Current Situation

Korea`s average use of water per person a day is 275L.
Korean consumption of water is comparatively high among the 31 countries listed in OECD.
Current Situation
Water consumption in Korea

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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