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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기




1. Introduction
2. Environmental / Situational Analysis
3. STP
4. Marketing MIX
5. Problems in JIN Air’s current marketing strategies
6. New marketing strategy


1. Introduction
Jin Air Co Ltd, formerly Air Korea is a low cost airline originated from South Korea, which is a full subsidiary of Korean Air. It began operations in July 2008 with routes to regional destinations in Korea. In October 2009, Jin Air began flights to Macau, Guam and Bangkok. The corporation vision of Jin Air is to be a premium short haul carrier "with the best experience and image, practical and affordable". To realize that, it put up several business missions- to become the public airlines that is affordable to anyone and practical airlines that reasonable consumers choose, to provide safety of global standard level, and to establish efficient low cost structure.
2. Environmental / Situational Analysis
The lower-cost carrier market originates from the US Company Southwest Airlines established in 1971. The main frame in this due course associates in the concept of focusing its transportation of customers from point A to B, on time at the lowest possible fees. As such, LCC can be described with two specific characteristics: low cost and low in-flight services. Minimum legal crew, online booking policies, and fast turn-rounds are conducive to reducing labor and operating cost which, in turn, lower in-flight service, combined with no freight and point-to-point traffic only policies. From a common sense standpoint, low quality of service can be harmful to carrier’s attraction. However, LCCs have achieved remarkable success in creating a new group of travelers for whom price is more important than

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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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