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Organizational Behaviour Research Paper

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/ MS 워드
가격 6,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Organization Behaviour 의 research paper로
Motivation을 주제로 Motivation과 관련한 theories를 조사한후
theories 를 분석,
회사를 하나 선정해서 그 theories를 어떻게 적용하고 있는지에 대해
적어 research paper입니다.

Executive summary 와 Works Cited 등을 제외한
실 research paper는 10 pages 정도입니다.


• Executive summary
• Introduction
• Theories and Implication
- Drive reduction theory
- Self-determination theory
- Cognitive apprenticeship theory
• Team Members summary
• Works Cited


Executive Summary
Drive reduction theory is a type of motivation theory that deals with reducing tensions in order to achieve the desired results. It states that the drives cause tensions within an individual until they are satisfied and met to reduce those tensions. The move that is taken to reduce the drive is continually repeated and reinforced whenever the circumstance is?encountered. There are different types of drives, for example, when one is hungry, there is tension within, and the way to reduce it, is to eat something, after eating one feels different and satisfied because the dissatisfaction has been dealt with. Drives differ from one person to another and even the way they are dealt with can be different amongst individuals. The remunerations and benefits offered by McDonald`s serves as a form of motivation to their employees, and overshadow the tensions that they might have concerning the type of food they serve.

<중 략>

What I found good in working in a team are that we can motivate each other, and feel more responsibility than when we do tasks individually. When someone starts being reluctant to working on the project, someone else can motivate him or her, and having meetings constantly keeps the members stay focused on working the project. Also, working in a team makes people feel more responsibility compared to individual work because each member’s work has influence to the team’s success. What I found bad is being slack could make someone else slack. In a team, everyone affects each other in the team. Thus, working team could have more problems than when people don’t have a team. Next time, I will be more accurate on time schedule. (Team member 4)

참고 자료

Works Cited
Collin, Allan, John Seely Brown and Susan E. Newman. “Cognitive Apprenticeship: Teaching the Crafts of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics.” Knowing, Learning, and Instruction: Essays in Honor of Robert Glaser. Ed. Lauren B. Resnick. Hillsdale, New Jersey:
Deci, Edward L., and Richard M. Ryan. “Handbook of Self-determination Research." New York: University of Rochester Press, 2004. eBook.10 July 2012
Dewey, Russell. “Psychology: An Introduction.” Intropsychweb . 29 Oct. 2010.Web. 10 July 2012
Mccarthy, Jeremy. “Stop Trying to Motivate your Employees.” The Psychology of
Wellbeing. Positive Psychology, Tuesday. 10 July 2012.
Moss, Simon." Self determination theory. " Psychlopedia. Psychlopedia, 18 Oct. 2008. Web. 8 July 2012.
Performance and Motivation in ‘McDonald’s. Article base.08 May,2007. Web. 18
Sunny Cooper. “Clark Hull: Drive Reduction Theory.” Theories of Learning in Educational Psychology. Continuing Education. Last edited 2009.Web. 10 July 2012
Susan Krauss Whitbourne. “Motivation: The Why’s Behaviour”. Psychology Today. Sussex Publishers, LLC. 29 October 2011. Web. 10 July 2012
"Training, Education and Benefits." Mcdonald’s. mcdonald’s, n.d. Web. 16 Jul 2012.

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