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Research Paper-Final

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


독도문제에관한 내용을 영어로 쓴 에쎄이 입니다. 내용과 문장구조가 그리 복잡하지 않아 참고하는데 쉬울 듯 합니다^^


Ⅰ. Introduction: A definition of historical distortion
Background information about Japanese colonial periods

Ⅱ. Mistyped a place name on the world map

Ⅲ. Several evidences based on the past
a) Naming reasons
b) Historical reasons
c) Geographical reasons

Ⅳ. The importance of this islet

Ⅴ. Solutions

Ⅵ. References


One of the best writers and also well-known for historical acknowledgement in Romantic Periods in English literature, George Gordon Lord Byron said: “The best of prophets of the future is the past.”(http://www.brainyquote.com) It means that the past always gives lessons to us and is an important key to predict our present or future. After the World War II, German descendants have been forgiven by other nation`s victims and have taught correctly about their shameful history to their young students, whereas some nations during World War feel shameful, so they covered or changed from the facts and had taught wrong history to young children. Some German citizens said they felt shameful of their history, but that is not a shameful history; rather very brave behavior. (Grant, R.G, 2008 “Word War II; the Events and Their Impact on Real People)

<중 략>

Both countries` presidents always say that peace. “Actions speak louder than words.” Until now, their words are not enough, now is the time that they have to show people some action to improve both countries` relationship. People in Korea said about the relationship between Korea and Japan is called “the closet country, but the farthest country.” Geographically, Korea and Japan are the nearest countries rather than any other countries in the world; yet they don`t know each other too much. In case, if both governments can solve the conflicts, they will become a close friend in someday.

참고 자료

“The Korean Minority in Japan 1904-1950”by Wagner, Edward Willett
“Sramble for the rocks: The disputes over the Dokdo/Takeshima”
by Koo, min Gyo, Ph.D, University of California, Berkeley, 2005
“Skepticism Lingers over History Issue” by Se, Hyun-jin the Korea Herald
“Territorial Issues in Europe and East Asia: Colonialism, War Occupation, and Conflict Resolution” By Chin soo-Bae, Unto Vesa, Yucel Acer, Jin mieung Li, David Forrest, Kijoon Hong, Pirjo Jukarainen)"
"Liancourt Rocks / Takeshima / Dokdo / Tokto", Globalsecurity
Introducing Dok-do by "Cyber Dok-do"
“Rocky relations between Japan and South Korea over disputed islands.”
By McCurry Justin, the Guardian
Japan`s International Relations: Politics, Economics, and Security,?
By Hook, Glenn D. (2001).?
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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