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The Reverse positioned marketing,Face the mainstream,JetBlue Airways,In N Out Burger,Google,IKEA

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The Reverse positioned marketing,Face the mainstream,JetBlue Airways,In N Out Burger,Google,IKEA


Ⅰ. Introduction

1.1 The reason why we chose this topic
1.2 The concepts and definitions of the Reverse positioned marketing
1.3 Comparison with existing marketing strategies

Ⅱ. Body

The cases of the Reverse positioned marketing
2.1 JetBlue Airways
2.2 In N Out Burger
2.3 Google
2.4 IKEA

Ⅲ. Conclusion

3.1 Characteristics of Reverse-Positioned marketing
3.2 Problems and solutions of Reverse-Positioned marketing
3.3 The suggestion

Ⅳ. References


Ⅰ. Introduction
1.1 The reason why we chose this topic

Today, companies said they have done the differentiation strategy, but only to add new features to the product and try to increase the kinds of products. The blind differentiation strategy for differentiation finally has results that making similar or same products. It just imitates each other in the similar strategies. It`s not the real meaning of differentiation, but it is just the work of making common products.

Let me show you about the example of Shinramyun, Kohkohmyun as differentiation. Focusing on the thinking that instant food is not good for health, Shinramyun Black is differentiated with using ethmoid soups strategy to differentiate on the health. However, it isn`t noticed to the customer and disappeared in the market. On the other hand, Kohkohmyun is focusing on the flavor. It is consisted of white soups instead of red soups. Making new flavor, it takes place in the market. It is the example that how knowing the core characteristic of products is important.

<중 략>

iii. Comparison with competitors

First, IKEA gives customers freedom. Generally, staffs guide to customers following them. In the other hands, in IKEA‘s store, any personnel don’t follow. It seems like that they don’t care their customers. They can go anywhere in the store, they have their own time and they are looking for their own goods except for other untruth advice. Surprisingly, customers feel comfortable and free from intervention through these kinds of acts.

Second, you can feel adventurous in IKEA. It doesn’t provide shipping and assembling services. You must bring products and put together by yourself in your house. IKEA assist it is a mission to you, and it makes you prosumers. You can enjoy and make cherish furniture by yourself.

참고 자료

1. [Different, Youngme, Moon 2010 p.139]
2. [Different, Youngme, Moon 2010 p.139-140]
3. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. http://www.wikipedia.org/
4. Hohyeon, Ryu, LG Economic Research Institute, 2007
5. http://cafe.naver.com/flytogether/11281
6. (CAPA,2008)
7. [Different, Youngme, Moon 2010 p.142], http://jag31000.blog.me/10120867853
8. (TREASURE HUNT, Michael J. Silverstein, John Butman, ‘http://in-n-out.com/’)
9. http://vnscommkwon.blog.me/10134789894, Vince Sherpas
10. http://www.consumerreports.org, Consumer reports
11. Gihun, Lim , http://news.moneta.co.kr , 2011
12. [Different, Youngme, Moon 2010 p.152, p.153]
13. http://www.google.co.kr/intl/ko/about/corporate/company/, Google about corporate
14. [The Google Story, Vise, David A. 2008]
15. Wookjun, Kim, "Google`s mobile advertising service trends", KISDI, 2011, Broadcasting and Communications Policy No. 23 No. 21.
16. [Different, Youngme, Moon 2010 p.135, p.138]
17. 2009.06.01, Tom Spring , PC World(http://www.itworld.co.kr)
18. comScore qSearch, January 2008
19. http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%9D%B4%EC%BC%80%EC%95%84,Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
20. http://ironmandaeik.com/xe/32213/e25/trackback
21. [Different, Youngme, Moon 2010 p.145, p.146,p.147] , [Word of mouth marketing, Sernovitz, Andy 2006]
22. [Different, Youngme, Moon 2010 p.149, p.151,p.154,p.155,p.156]
23. [Different, Youngme, Moon 2010 p.157, p.158]
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